[−] List of all items
- AfError
- Backend
- BinaryOp
- BorderType
- CannyThresholdType
- ColorMap
- ColorSpace
- Connectivity
- ConvDomain
- ConvGradientType
- ConvMode
- CublasMathMode
- DType
- DiffusionEq
- FluxFn
- HomographyType
- InterpType
- InverseDeconvAlgo
- IterativeDeconvAlgo
- MarkerType
- MatProp
- MatchType
- MomentType
- NormType
- RandomEngineType
- Scalar
- SparseFormat
- TopkFn
- VarianceBias
- YCCStd
- ComplexFloating
- ConfidenceCCInput
- ConstGenerator
- Convertable
- CovarianceComputable
- DeconvInput
- EdgeComputable
- FloatingPoint
- Fromf64
- GrayRGBConvertible
- HasAfEnum
- ImageFilterType
- ImageNativeType
- ImplicitPromote
- Indexable
- IndexableType
- IntegralType
- MedianComputable
- MomentsComputable
- RealFloating
- RealNumber
- ReduceByKeyInput
- Scanable
- abs
- accum
- acos
- acosh
- add
- all_true
- all_true_all
- all_true_by_key
- alloc_host
- alloc_pinned
- and
- anisotropic_diffusion
- any_true
- any_true_all
- any_true_by_key
- approx1
- approx1_uniform
- approx1_uniform_v2
- approx1_v2
- approx2
- approx2_uniform
- approx2_uniform_v2
- approx2_v2
- arg
- asin
- asinh
- assign_gen
- assign_seq
- atan
- atan2
- atanh
- bilateral
- bitand
- bitnot
- bitor
- bitxor
- canny
- cbrt
- ceil
- cholesky
- cholesky_inplace
- clamp
- col
- color_space
- cols
- confidence_cc
- conjg
- constant
- convolve1
- convolve2
- convolve2_gradient_nn
- convolve2_nn
- convolve2_sep
- convolve3
- corrcoef
- cos
- cosh
- count
- count_all
- count_by_key
- cov
- cov_v2
- cplx
- cplx2
- det
- device_count
- device_gc
- device_info
- device_mem_info
- diag_create
- diag_extract
- diff1
- diff2
- dilate
- dilate3
- div
- dog
- dot
- eq
- erf
- erfc
- erode
- erode3
- eval_multiple
- exp
- expm1
- factorial
- fast
- fft
- fft2
- fft2_c2r
- fft2_inplace
- fft2_r2c
- fft3
- fft3_c2r
- fft3_inplace
- fft3_r2c
- fft_c2r
- fft_convolve1
- fft_convolve2
- fft_convolve3
- fft_inplace
- fft_r2c
- fir
- flat
- flip
- floor
- free_host
- free_pinned
- gaussian_kernel
- ge
- gemm
- get_active_backend
- get_available_backends
- get_backend_count
- get_default_random_engine
- get_device
- get_last_error
- get_mem_step_size
- get_revision
- get_seed
- get_size
- get_version
- gradient
- gray2rgb
- gt
- hamming_matcher
- handle_error_general
- harris
- hist_equal
- histogram
- homography
- hsv2rgb
- hypot
- identity
- ifft
- ifft2
- ifft2_inplace
- ifft3
- ifft3_inplace
- ifft_inplace
- iir
- imag
- imax
- imax_all
- imin
- imin_all
- index
- index_gen
- info
- info_string
- init
- inverse
- inverse_deconv
- iota
- is_double_available
- is_eval_manual
- is_half_available
- is_imageio_available
- is_lapack_available
- isinf
- isnan
- iszero
- iterative_deconv
- join
- join_many
- le
- lgamma
- load_image
- load_image_native
- locate
- log
- log10
- log1p
- log2
- lookup
- lower
- lt
- lu
- lu_inplace
- match_template
- matmul
- max
- max_all
- max_by_key
- max_ragged
- maxfilt
- maxof
- mean
- mean_all
- mean_all_weighted
- mean_shift
- mean_weighted
- meanvar
- medfilt
- medfilt1
- median
- median_all
- min
- min_all
- min_by_key
- minfilt
- minof
- moddims
- modulo
- moments
- moments_all
- mul
- nearest_neighbour
- neq
- norm
- or
- orb
- pad
- pinverse
- pow
- pow2
- print_gen
- print_mem_info
- product
- product_all
- product_by_key
- product_by_key_nan
- product_nan
- product_nan_all
- qr
- qr_inplace
- randn
- random_normal
- random_uniform
- randu
- range
- rank
- real
- regions
- register_error_handler
- rem
- reorder
- reorder_v2
- replace
- replace_scalar
- resize
- rgb2gray
- rgb2hsv
- rgb2ycbcr
- root
- rotate
- round
- row
- rows
- rsqrt
- sat
- save_image
- save_image_native
- scale
- scan
- scan_by_key
- select
- selectl
- selectr
- set_backend
- set_col
- set_cols
- set_cublas_mode
- set_default_random_engine_type
- set_device
- set_fft_plan_cache_size
- set_intersect
- set_manual_eval
- set_mem_step_size
- set_row
- set_rows
- set_seed
- set_slice
- set_slices
- set_union
- set_unique
- shift
- shiftl
- shiftr
- sigmoid
- sign
- sin
- sinh
- skew
- slice
- slices
- sobel
- solve
- solve_lu
- sort
- sort_by_key
- sort_index
- sparse
- sparse_convert_to
- sparse_from_dense
- sparse_from_host
- sparse_get_col_indices
- sparse_get_format
- sparse_get_info
- sparse_get_nnz
- sparse_get_row_indices
- sparse_get_values
- sparse_to_dense
- sqrt
- stdev
- stdev_all
- stdev_all_v2
- stdev_v2
- sub
- sum
- sum_all
- sum_by_key
- sum_by_key_nan
- sum_nan
- sum_nan_all
- susan
- svd
- svd_inplace
- sync
- tan
- tanh
- tgamma
- tile
- topk
- transform
- transform_coords
- translate
- transpose
- transpose_inplace
- trunc
- unwrap
- upper
- var
- var_all
- var_all_v2
- var_all_weighted
- var_v2
- var_weighted
- wrap
- ycbcr2rgb