[][src]Macro arrayfire::join_many

macro_rules! join_many {
    [$dim: expr; $($x:expr),+] => { ... };

Join multiple Arrays along a given dimension

All the Arrays provided to this macro should be of type &Array


use arrayfire::{Dim4, join_many, print, randu};

let a = &randu::<f32>(Dim4::new(&[5, 3, 1, 1]));
let b = &randu::<f32>(Dim4::new(&[5, 3, 1, 1]));
let c = &randu::<f32>(Dim4::new(&[5, 3, 1, 1]));
let d = join_many![2; a, b, c];


This macro just calls join_many function after collecting all the input arrays into a vector.