[][src]Function arrayfire::iterative_deconv

pub fn iterative_deconv<T>(
    input: &Array<T>,
    kernel: &Array<f32>,
    iterations: u32,
    relaxation_factor: f32,
    algo: IterativeDeconvAlgo
) -> Array<T::AbsOutType> where
    T: DeconvInput,
    T::AbsOutType: HasAfEnum

Iterative Deconvolution

The following table shows the iteration update equations of the respective deconvolution algorithms.

AlgorithmUpdate Equation
LandWeber $ \hat{I}_{n} = \hat{I}_{n-1} + \alpha * P^T \otimes (I - P \otimes \hat{I}_{n-1}) $
Richardson-Lucy $ \hat{I}_{n} = \hat{I}_{n-1} . ( \frac{I}{\hat{I}_{n-1} \otimes P} \otimes P^T ) $


The type of output Array from deconvolution will be of type f64 if the input array type is f64. For other types, output type will be f32 type. Should the caller want to save the image to disk or require the values of output to be in a fixed range, that should be done by the caller explicitly.