| abs |
| Calculate the absolute value.
| accum |
| Evaluate the cumulative sum (inclusive) along a given dimension.
| acos |
| Evaluate the inverse cosine function (arc cosine).
| acosh |
| Evaluate the inverse hyperbolic cosine function (area hyperbolic cosine).
| add |
| Elementwise addition.
| allTrue |
| Check if all values along a given dimension are true.
| allTrueByKey |
| Check if all values along a given dimension are true, according to an array of keys.
| allocHost |
| Allocate memory on host.
| allocV2 |
| Allocate memory using the ArrayFire memory manager.
| and |
| Evaluate the logical AND of two arrays.
| anisotropicDiffusion |
| Anisotropic Smoothing Filter.
| anyTrueByKey |
| Check if any values along a given dimension are true, according to an array of keys.
| anytrue |
| Check if any values along a given dimension are true.
| approx1 |
| Interpolation across a single dimension.
| approx2 |
| Interpolation along two dimensions.
| arg |
| Calculate the phase angle (in radians) of a complex array.
| asin |
| Evaluate the inverse sine function (arc sine).
| asinh |
| Evaluate the inverse hyperbolic sine function (area hyperbolic sine).
| assign |
| Copy and write values in the locations specified by the sequences.
| atan/atan2 |
| Evaluate the inverse tangent function (arc tangent).
| atanh |
| Evaluate the inverse hyperbolic tangent function (area hyperbolic tangent).
| bilateral |
| Bilateral Filter.
| bitand |
| Evaluate the bitwise AND of two arrays.
| bitnot |
| Evaluate the bitwise NOT of an array.
| bitor |
| Evaluate the bitwise OR of two arrays.
| bitshiftl |
| Shift the bits of integer arrays left.
| bitshiftr |
| Shift the bits of integer arrays right.
| bitxor |
| Evaluate the bitwise XOR of two arrays.
| canny |
| Canny Edge Detector.
| cast |
| Cast an array from one type to another.
| cbrt |
| Evaluate the cube root.
| ceil |
| Rounds up to the least integer greater than or equal to x.
| cholesky |
| Perform Cholesky decomposition.
| clamp |
| Clamp an array between an upper and a lower limit.
| col/cols |
| Gets a reference of a col in a 2D af::array.
| colorSpace |
| Colorspace conversion function.
| complex |
| Create complex arrays.
| confidenceCC |
| Segment image based on similar pixel characteristics.
| conjg |
| Evaluate the complex conjugate of an input array.
| constant |
| Create an array from a scalar input value.
| convolve (Non-separable) |
| Convolution Integral for any(one through three) dimensional data.
| convolve (Separable) |
| Separable Convolution.
| convolve1 |
| Convolution Integral for one dimensional data.
| convolve2 |
| Convolution Integral for two dimensional data.
| convolve3 |
| Convolution Integral for three dimensional data.
| corrcoef |
| Find the correlation coefficient of values in the input.
| cos |
| Evaluate the cosine function.
| cosh |
| Evaluate the hyperbolic cosine function.
| count |
| Count non-zero values in an array along a given dimension.
| countByKey |
| Count non-zero values in an array, according to an array of keys.
| cov |
| Find the covariance of values in the input.
| deleteImageMem |
| Delete memory created by saveImageMem and af_save_image_memory function.
| dense |
| Returns a dense array from a sparse input.
| det |
| Find the determinant of a matrix.
| deviceInfo |
| Gets the information about device and platform as strings.
| deviceMemInfo |
| Memory manager related functions.
| diag |
| Extract the diagonal from an array.
| diff1 |
| Calculate the first order difference in an array over a given dimension.
| diff2 |
| Calculate the second order difference in an array over a given dimension.
| dilate |
| Dilation(morphological operator) for images.
| dilate3d |
| Dilation(morphological operator) for volumes.
| div |
| Elementwise division.
| dog |
| Difference of Gaussians.
| dot |
| Compute the dot product.
| eq |
| Equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
| erf |
| Evaluate the error function.
| erfc |
| Evaluate the complementary error function.
| erode |
| Erosion(morphological operator) for images.
| erode3d |
| Erosion(morphological operator) for volumes.
| exp |
| Evaluate the exponential function.
| expm1 |
| Evaluate the exponential function of an array minus 1, exp(in) - 1 .
| factorial |
| Evaluate the factorial.
| fast |
| FAST feature detector.
| features |
| Lookup values of an array based on sequences and/or arrays.
| fft |
| Fast Fourier Transform.
| fft2 |
| Fast Fourier Transform.
| fft3 |
| Fast Fourier Transform.
| fftC2R |
| Complex to Real Fast Fourier Transform.
| fftR2C |
| Real to Complex Fast Fourier Transform.
| fir |
| This function implements a Finite Impulse Filter.
| flat |
| Flatten an array.
| flip |
| Flip the input along a specified dimension.
| floor |
| Rounds down to the greatest integer less than or equal to x.
| freeHost |
| Free memory allocated on host internally by ArrayFire.
| freePinned |
| Free pinned memory allocated by ArrayFire's memory manager.
| freeV2 |
| Returns memory to ArrayFire's memory manager.
| gaussiankernel |
| Creates a Gaussian Kernel.
| ge |
| Greater than or equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
| getActiveBackend |
| Get's the backend enum for the active backend.
| getAvailableBackends |
| Returns an integer indicating the backends loaded successfully.
| getBackendCount |
| Get the number of backends whose libraries were successfully loaded.
| getBackendId |
| Get's the backend enum for an array.
| getDefaultRandomEngine |
| Returns the default random engine object.
| getDevice |
| Get the current device ID.
| getDeviceCount |
| Gets the number of compute devices on the system.
| getDeviceId |
| Get's the id of the device an array was created on.
| getSeed |
| Returns the seed for random number generation.
| gloh |
| SIFT feature detector and GLOH descriptor extractor.
| grad |
| Calculate the gradients of the input.
| gray2rgb |
| Grayscale to RGB colorspace converter.
| gt |
| Greater than comparison, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
| hammingMatcher |
| Hamming Matcher.
| harris |
| Harris corner detector.
| histequal |
| Histogram equalization of input image.
| histogram |
| Histogram of input data.
| homography |
| Homography Estimation.
| hsv2rgb |
| HSV to RGB colorspace converter.
| hypot |
| Evaluate the length of the hypotenuse of two inputs.
| identity |
| Generate an identity matrix.
| ifft |
| Fast Fourier Transform.
| ifft2 |
| Fast Fourier Transform.
| ifft3 |
| Fast Fourier Transform.
| iir |
| This function implements a Infinite Impulse Filter.
| imag |
| Returns the imaginary part of a complex array.
| index |
| Lookup values of an array based on sequences and/or arrays.
| info |
| Display ArrayFire and device info.
| infoString |
| Get af::info() as a string.
| inverse |
| Invert a matrix.
| inverseDeconv |
| Inverse Deconvolution.
| iota |
| Generate an array with [0, n-1] values modified to specified dimensions and tiling.
| isDoubleAvailable |
| Check if double precision support is available for specified device.
| isHalfAvailable |
| Check if half(16-bit) precision floating point support is available for specified device.
| isImageIoAvailable |
| Returns true if ArrayFire was compiled with ImageIO (FreeImage) support.
| isLAPACKAvailable |
| Returns true if ArrayFire is compiled with LAPACK support.
| isinf |
| Check if values are infinite.
| isnan |
| Check if values are NaN.
| iszero |
| Check if values are zero.
| iterativeDeconv |
| Iterative Deconvolution.
| join |
| Join up to 4 arrays along specified dimension.
| le |
| Less than or equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
| lgamma |
| Evaluate the logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function.
| loadImage |
| Load an image from disk to an array.
| loadImageMem |
| Load an image from memory which is stored as a FreeImage stream (FIMEMORY).
| log |
| Evaluate the natural logarithm.
| log10 |
| Evaluate the base 10 logarithm.
| log1p |
| Evaluate the natural logarithm of 1 + input, ln(1+in) .
| log2 |
| Evaluate the base 2 logarithm.
| lookup |
| Lookup values of an array by indexing with another array.
| lower |
| Return the lower triangular matrix from an input array.
| lt |
| Less than, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
| lu |
| Perform LU decomposition.
| matchTemplate |
| Template Matching.
| matmul |
| Matrix multiplication.
| max |
| Returns the elementwise maximum between two arrays.
| max |
| Return the maximum along a given dimension.
| maxByKey |
| Return the maximum along a given dimension, according to an array of keys.
| maxfilt |
| Find maximum value from a window.
| mean |
| Find the mean of values in the input.
| meanshift |
| Meanshift Filter.
| medfilt |
| Median Filter.
| median |
| Find the median of values in the input.
| min |
| Returns the elementwise minimum between two arrays.
| min |
| Return the minimum along a given dimension.
| minByKey |
| Return the minimum along a given dimension, according to an array of keys.
| minfilt |
| Find minimum value from a window.
| mod |
| Calculate the modulus.
| moddims |
| Modify the dimensions of an array without changing the order of its elements.
| moments |
| The af::moments() function allows for finding different properties of image regions.
| mul |
| Elementwise multiply.
| nearestNeighbour |
| Determine the nearest neighbouring points to a given set of points.
| neg |
| Negate an array.
| neq |
| Not equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
| norm |
| Find the norm of a matrix.
| not |
| Evaluate the logical NOT of an array.
| operator() |
| Gets a reference to a set of elements.
| operator(star)= |
| Multiplies and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
| operator+= |
| Adds and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
| operator-= |
| Subtracts and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
| operator/= |
| Divides and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
| operator= |
| Assignes the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
| or |
| Evaluate the logical OR of two arrays.
| orb |
| ORB Feature descriptor.
| pad |
| Pad an array.
| pinned |
| Allocate pinned memory using ArrayFire's memory manager.
| pinverse |
| Pseudo-invert (Moore-Penrose) a matrix.
| pow |
| Raise a base to a power (or exponent).
| pow2 |
| Raise 2 to a power (or exponent).
| print |
| Print the array to screen.
| product |
| Multiply array elements over a given dimension.
| productByKey |
| Multiply array elements over a given dimension, according to an array of keys.
| qr |
| Perform QR decomposition.
| randn |
| Create a random array sampled from normal distribution.
| randomEngine |
| Functions to create, modify, use, and destroy randomEngine objects.
| randu |
| Create a random array sampled from uniform distribution.
| range |
| Generate an array with [0, n-1] values along the a specified dimension and tiled across other dimensions.
| rank |
| Find the rank of a matrix.
| readArray |
| Load an array from a file.
| real |
| Returns the real part of a complex array.
| regions |
| Find blobs in given image.
| rem |
| Calculate the remainder of a division.
| reorder |
| Reorder an array.
| replace |
| Replace elements of an array with elements of another array.
| resize |
| Resize an input image.
| rgb2gray |
| RGB to Grayscale colorspace converter.
| rgb2hsv |
| RGB to HSV colorspace converter.
| rgb2ycbcr |
| RGB to YCbCr colorspace converter.
| root |
| Evaluate the nth root.
| rotate |
| Rotate an input image or array.
| round |
| Round numbers to the nearest integer.
| row/rows |
| Gets a reference of a row in a 2D af::array.
| rsqrt |
| Evaluate the reciprocal square root.
| sat |
| Summed Area Tables.
| saveArray |
| Save an array to a binary file.
| saveImage |
| Save an array to disk as an image.
| saveImageMem |
| Save an array to memory as an image using FreeImage stream (FIMEMORY).
| scale |
| Scale an input image.
| scan |
| Scan an array (generalized) over a given dimension.
| scanByKey |
| Scan an array (generalized) over a given dimension, according to an array of keys.
| select |
| Select elements based on a conditional array.
| setBackend |
| Set the current backend when using Unified backend.
| setDefaultRandomEngineType |
| Set the default random engine type.
| setDevice |
| Change current device to specified device.
| setSeed |
| Set the seed for random number generation.
| setintersect |
| Evaluate the intersection of two arrays.
| setunion |
| Evaluate the union of two arrays.
| setunique |
| Return the unique values in an array.
| shift |
| Shift an array.
| sift |
| SIFT feature detector and descriptor extractor.
| sigmoid |
| Evaluate the logistical sigmoid function.
| sign |
| Return the sign of elements in an array.
| sin |
| Evaluate the sine function.
| sinh |
| Evaluate the hyperbolic sine function.
| skew |
| Skew an input image.
| slice/slices |
| Gets a reference of a matrix in a 3D af::array.
| sobel |
| Sobel Operators.
| solve |
| Solve a system of equations.
| solveLU |
| Solve a system of equations.
| sort |
| Sort an array over a given dimension.
| sortByKey |
| Sort an array over a given dimension, according to an array of keys.
| sortIndex |
| Sort an array over a given dimension and return the original indices.
| sparse |
| Create a sparse array.
| sparseConvertTo |
| Convert an existing sparse array into a different storage format.
| sparseGetColdx |
| Returns reference to the column indices component of the sparse array.
| sparseGetInfo |
| Returns reference to components of the input sparse array.
| sparseGetNNZ |
| Returns the number of non zero elements in the sparse array.
| sparseGetRowIdx |
| Returns reference to the row indices component of the sparse array.
| sparseGetStorage |
| Returns the storage type of a sparse array.
| sparseGetValues |
| Returns reference to the values component of the sparse array.
| sqrt |
| Evaluate the square root.
| stdev |
| Find the standard deviation of values in the input.
| sub |
| Elementwise subtraction.
| sum |
| Sum array elements over a given dimension.
| sumByKey |
| Sum array elements over a given dimension, according to an array of keys.
| susan |
| SUSAN corner detector.
| svd |
| Perform singular value decomposition.
| sync |
| Blocks until all operations on device are finished.
| tan |
| Evaluate the tangent function.
| tanh |
| Evaluate the hyperbolic tangent function.
| tgamma |
| Evaluate the gamma function.
| tile |
| Generate a tiled array by repeating an array's contents along a specified dimension.
| toString |
| Print the array to a string instead of the screen.
| topk |
| This function returns the top k values along a given dimension of the input array.
| transform |
| Transform an input image.
| transformCoordinates |
| Transform input coordinates.
| translate |
| Translate an input image.
| transpose |
| Transpose a matrix.
| trunc |
| Truncate numbers to nearest integer.
| unwrap |
| Rearrange windowed sections of an array into columns (or rows)
| upper |
| Return the upper triangular matrix from an input array.
| var |
| Find the variance of values in the input.
| where |
| Locate the indices of the non-zero values in an array.
| wrap |
| Performs the opposite of af::unwrap().
| ycbcr2rgb |
| YCbCr to RGB colorspace converter.