[−][src]Struct arrayfire::Array
A multidimensional data container
Currently, Array objects can store only data until four dimensions
Sharing Across Threads
While sharing an Array with other threads, there is no need to wrap this in an Arc object unless only one such object is required to exist. The reason being that ArrayFire's internal Array is appropriately reference counted in thread safe manner. However, if you need to modify Array object, then please do wrap the object using a Mutex or Read-Write lock.
Examples on how to share Array across threads is illustrated in our book
All operators(traits) from std::ops module implemented for Array object
carry out element wise operations. For example, *
does multiplication of
elements at corresponding locations in two different Arrays.
impl<T> Array<T> where
T: HasAfEnum,
T: HasAfEnum,
pub fn new(slice: &[T], dims: Dim4) -> Self
Constructs a new Array object
An example of creating an Array from f32 array
use arrayfire::{Array, Dim4, print}; let values: [f32; 3] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]; let indices = Array::new(&values, Dim4::new(&[3, 1, 1, 1])); print(&indices);
An example of creating an Array from half::f16 array
use arrayfire::{Array, Dim4, is_half_available, print}; use half::f16; let values: [f32; 3] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]; if is_half_available(0) { // Default device is 0, hence the argument let half_values = values.iter().map(|&x| f16::from_f32(x)).collect::<Vec<_>>(); let hvals = Array::new(&half_values, Dim4::new(&[3, 1, 1, 1])); print(&hvals); } else { println!("Half support isn't available on this device"); }
pub fn new_strided(slice: &[T], offset: i64, dims: Dim4, strides: Dim4) -> Self
Constructs a new Array object from strided data
The data pointed by the slice passed to this function can possibily be offseted using an additional offset
pub fn new_empty(dims: Dim4) -> Self
Constructs a new Array object of specified dimensions and type
use arrayfire::{Array, Dim4}; let garbage_vals = Array::<f32>::new_empty(Dim4::new(&[3, 1, 1, 1]));
pub fn new_from_device_ptr(dev_ptr: *mut T, dims: Dim4) -> Self
Constructs a new Array object from device pointer
The example show cases the usage using CUDA API, but usage of this function will be similar in CPU and OpenCL backends also. In the case of OpenCL backend, the pointer would be cl_mem. A short example of how to create an Array from device pointer is shown below but for detailed set of examples, please check out the tutorial book pages:
An example of creating an Array device pointer using
rustacuda crate. The
example has to be copied to a bin
crate with following contents in Cargo.toml
to run successfully. Note that, all required setup for rustacuda and arrayfire crate
have to completed first.
rustacuda = "0.1"
rustacuda_derive = "0.1"
rustacuda_core = "0.1"
arrayfire = "3.7.*"
use arrayfire::*; use rustacuda::*; use rustacuda::prelude::*; fn main() { let v: Vec<_> = (0u8 .. 100).map(f32::from).collect(); rustacuda::init(CudaFlags::empty()); let device = Device::get_device(0).unwrap(); let context = Context::create_and_push(ContextFlags::MAP_HOST | ContextFlags::SCHED_AUTO, device).unwrap(); // Approach 1 { let mut buffer = memory::DeviceBuffer::from_slice(&v).unwrap(); let array_dptr = Array::new_from_device_ptr( buffer.as_device_ptr().as_raw_mut(), dim4!(10, 10)); af_print!("array_dptr", &array_dptr); array_dptr.lock(); // Needed to avoid free as arrayfire takes ownership } // Approach 2 { let mut dptr: *mut f32 = std::ptr::null_mut(); unsafe { dptr = memory::cuda_malloc::<f32>(10*10).unwrap().as_raw_mut(); } let array_dptr = Array::new_from_device_ptr(dptr, dim4!(10, 10)); // note that values might be garbage in the memory pointed out by dptr // in this example as it is allocated but not initialized prior to passing // along to arrayfire::Array::new* // After ArrayFire takes over ownership of the pointer, you can use other // arrayfire functions as usual. af_print!("array_dptr", &array_dptr); } }
pub fn get_backend(&self) -> Backend
Returns the backend of the Array
Return Values
Returns an value of type Backend
which indicates which backend
was active when Array was created.
pub fn get_device_id(&self) -> i32
Returns the device identifier(integer) on which the Array was created
Return Values
Return the device id on which Array was created.
pub fn elements(&self) -> usize
Returns the number of elements in the Array
pub fn get_type(&self) -> DType
Returns the Array data type
pub fn dims(&self) -> Dim4
Returns the dimensions of the Array
pub fn strides(&self) -> Dim4
Returns the strides of the Array
pub fn numdims(&self) -> u32
Returns the number of dimensions of the Array
pub fn offset(&self) -> i64
Returns the offset to the pointer from where data begins
pub unsafe fn get(&self) -> af_array
Returns the native FFI handle for Rust object Array
pub fn set(&mut self, handle: af_array)
Set the native FFI handle for Rust object Array
pub fn host<O: HasAfEnum>(&self, data: &mut [O])
Copies the data from the Array to the mutable slice data
Basic case
let a:Vec<u8> = vec![0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]; let b = Array::<u8>::new(&a,Dim4::new(&[3,3,1,1])); let mut c = vec!(u8::default();b.elements()); b.host(&mut c); assert_eq!(c,a);
Generic case
fn to_vec<T:HasAfEnum+Default+Clone>(array:&Array<T>) -> Vec<T> { let mut vec = vec!(T::default();array.elements()); array.host(&mut vec); return vec; } let a = Array::<u8>::new(&[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],Dim4::new(&[3,3,1,1])); let b:Vec<u8> = vec![0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]; assert_eq!(to_vec(&a),b);
pub fn eval(&self)
Evaluates any pending lazy expressions that represent the data in the Array object
pub fn copy(&self) -> Self
Makes an copy of the Array
This does a deep copy of the data into a new Array
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is empty
pub fn is_scalar(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is scalar
pub fn is_row(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is a row
pub fn is_column(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is a column
pub fn is_vector(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is a vector
pub fn is_real(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is of real (not complex) type
pub fn is_complex(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is of complex type
pub fn is_double(&self) -> bool
Check if Array's numerical type is of double precision
pub fn is_single(&self) -> bool
Check if Array's numerical type is of single precision
pub fn is_half(&self) -> bool
Check if Array's numerical type is of half precision
pub fn is_integer(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is of integral type
pub fn is_bool(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is of boolean type
pub fn is_realfloating(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is floating point real(not complex) data type
pub fn is_floating(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is floating point type, either real or complex data
pub fn is_linear(&self) -> bool
Check if Array's memory layout is continuous and one dimensional
pub fn is_sparse(&self) -> bool
Check if Array is a sparse matrix
pub fn is_owner(&self) -> bool
Check if Array's memory is owned by it and not a view of another Array
pub fn cast<O: HasAfEnum>(&self) -> Array<O>
Cast the Array data type to target_type
pub fn lock(&self)
Lock the device buffer in the memory manager
Locked buffers are not freed by memory manager until unlock is called.
pub fn unlock(&self)
Unlock the device buffer in the memory manager
This function will give back the control over the device pointer to the memory manager.
pub unsafe fn device_ptr(&self) -> void_ptr
Get the device pointer and lock the buffer in memory manager
The device pointer is not freed by memory manager until unlock is called.
pub fn get_allocated_bytes(&self) -> usize
Get the size of physical allocated bytes.
This function will return the size of the parent/owner if the current Array object is an indexed Array.
Trait Implementations
impl<'a, A, B> Add<&'a Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, 'b, A, B> Add<&'a Array<B>> for &'b Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'f, T> Add<&'f Array<T>> for Complex<f64> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Add<&'f Array<T>> for Complex<f32> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Add<&'f Array<T>> for f64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Add<&'f Array<T>> for f32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Add<&'f Array<T>> for u64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Add<&'f Array<T>> for i64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Add<&'f Array<T>> for u32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Add<&'f Array<T>> for i32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Add<&'f Array<T>> for u8 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<A, B> Add<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> Add<Array<B>> for &'a Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T> Add<Array<T>> for Complex<f64> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Add<Array<T>> for Complex<f32> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Add<Array<T>> for f64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Add<Array<T>> for f32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Add<Array<T>> for u64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Add<Array<T>> for i64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Add<Array<T>> for u32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Add<Array<T>> for i32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Add<Array<T>> for u8 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T, U> Add<U> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
impl<T, U> Add<U> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
impl<A, B> AddAssign<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> BitAnd<&'a Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, 'b, A, B> BitAnd<&'a Array<B>> for &'b Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<A, B> BitAnd<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> BitAnd<Array<B>> for &'a Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<A, B> BitAndAssign<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> BitOr<&'a Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, 'b, A, B> BitOr<&'a Array<B>> for &'b Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<A, B> BitOr<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> BitOr<Array<B>> for &'a Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<A, B> BitOrAssign<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> BitXor<&'a Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, 'b, A, B> BitXor<&'a Array<B>> for &'b Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<A, B> BitXor<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> BitXor<Array<B>> for &'a Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<A, B> BitXorAssign<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T> Clone for Array<T> where
T: HasAfEnum,
T: HasAfEnum,
impl<T: HasAfEnum> Convertable for Array<T>
impl<'a, A, B> Div<&'a Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, 'b, A, B> Div<&'a Array<B>> for &'b Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'f, T> Div<&'f Array<T>> for Complex<f64> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Div<&'f Array<T>> for Complex<f32> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Div<&'f Array<T>> for f64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Div<&'f Array<T>> for f32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Div<&'f Array<T>> for u64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Div<&'f Array<T>> for i64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Div<&'f Array<T>> for u32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Div<&'f Array<T>> for i32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Div<&'f Array<T>> for u8 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<A, B> Div<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> Div<Array<B>> for &'a Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T> Div<Array<T>> for Complex<f64> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Div<Array<T>> for Complex<f32> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Div<Array<T>> for f64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Div<Array<T>> for f32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Div<Array<T>> for u64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Div<Array<T>> for i64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Div<Array<T>> for u32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Div<Array<T>> for i32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Div<Array<T>> for u8 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T, U> Div<U> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
impl<T, U> Div<U> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
impl<A, B> DivAssign<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T> Drop for Array<T> where
T: HasAfEnum,
T: HasAfEnum,
impl<T> Indexable for Array<T> where
T: HasAfEnum + IndexableType,
T: HasAfEnum + IndexableType,
impl<T: HasAfEnum> Into<Array<T>> for af_array
impl<'a, A, B> Mul<&'a Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, 'b, A, B> Mul<&'a Array<B>> for &'b Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'f, T> Mul<&'f Array<T>> for Complex<f64> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Mul<&'f Array<T>> for Complex<f32> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Mul<&'f Array<T>> for f64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Mul<&'f Array<T>> for f32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Mul<&'f Array<T>> for u64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Mul<&'f Array<T>> for i64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Mul<&'f Array<T>> for u32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Mul<&'f Array<T>> for i32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Mul<&'f Array<T>> for u8 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<A, B> Mul<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> Mul<Array<B>> for &'a Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T> Mul<Array<T>> for Complex<f64> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Mul<Array<T>> for Complex<f32> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Mul<Array<T>> for f64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Mul<Array<T>> for f32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Mul<Array<T>> for u64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Mul<Array<T>> for i64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Mul<Array<T>> for u32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Mul<Array<T>> for i32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Mul<Array<T>> for u8 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T, U> Mul<U> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
impl<T, U> Mul<U> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
impl<A, B> MulAssign<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T> Neg for Array<T> where
T: Zero + ConstGenerator<OutType = T>,
T: Zero + ConstGenerator<OutType = T>,
impl<'f, T> Not for &'f Array<T> where
T: HasAfEnum,
T: HasAfEnum,
impl<'a, A, B> Rem<&'a Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, 'b, A, B> Rem<&'a Array<B>> for &'b Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<A, B> Rem<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> Rem<Array<B>> for &'a Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<A, B> RemAssign<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T: HasAfEnum> Send for Array<T>
Enable safely moving Array objects across threads
impl<'a, A, B> Shl<&'a Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, 'b, A, B> Shl<&'a Array<B>> for &'b Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<A, B> Shl<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> Shl<Array<B>> for &'a Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T> Shl<u16> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u16>,
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u16>,
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Shl<u16> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u16>,
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u16>,
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Shl<u32> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Shl<u32> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Shl<u64> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Shl<u64> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Shl<u8> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Shl<u8> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<A, B> ShlAssign<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T> ShlAssign<u16> for Array<T> where
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u16, Output = T>,
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u16, Output = T>,
impl<T> ShlAssign<u32> for Array<T> where
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32, Output = T>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32, Output = T>,
impl<T> ShlAssign<u64> for Array<T> where
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64, Output = T>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64, Output = T>,
impl<T> ShlAssign<u8> for Array<T> where
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8, Output = T>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8, Output = T>,
impl<'a, A, B> Shr<&'a Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, 'b, A, B> Shr<&'a Array<B>> for &'b Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<A, B> Shr<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> Shr<Array<B>> for &'a Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T> Shr<u16> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u16>,
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u16>,
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Shr<u16> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u16>,
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u16>,
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Shr<u32> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Shr<u32> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Shr<u64> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Shr<u64> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Shr<u8> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Shr<u8> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<A, B> ShrAssign<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T> ShrAssign<u16> for Array<T> where
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u16, Output = T>,
u16: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u16, Output = T>,
impl<T> ShrAssign<u32> for Array<T> where
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32, Output = T>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32, Output = T>,
impl<T> ShrAssign<u64> for Array<T> where
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64, Output = T>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64, Output = T>,
impl<T> ShrAssign<u8> for Array<T> where
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8, Output = T>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8, Output = T>,
impl<'a, A, B> Sub<&'a Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, 'b, A, B> Sub<&'a Array<B>> for &'b Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'f, T> Sub<&'f Array<T>> for Complex<f64> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Sub<&'f Array<T>> for Complex<f32> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Sub<&'f Array<T>> for f64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Sub<&'f Array<T>> for f32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Sub<&'f Array<T>> for u64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Sub<&'f Array<T>> for i64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Sub<&'f Array<T>> for u32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Sub<&'f Array<T>> for i32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T> Sub<&'f Array<T>> for u8 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<A, B> Sub<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<'a, A, B> Sub<Array<B>> for &'a Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T> Sub<Array<T>> for Complex<f64> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f64>>,
Complex<f64>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Sub<Array<T>> for Complex<f32> where
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<Complex<f32>>,
Complex<f32>: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Sub<Array<T>> for f64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f64>,
f64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Sub<Array<T>> for f32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<f32>,
f32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Sub<Array<T>> for u64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u64>,
u64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Sub<Array<T>> for i64 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i64>,
i64: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Sub<Array<T>> for u32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u32>,
u32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Sub<Array<T>> for i32 where
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<i32>,
i32: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<T> Sub<Array<T>> for u8 where
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
T: ImplicitPromote<u8>,
u8: ImplicitPromote<T>,
impl<'f, T, U> Sub<U> for &'f Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
impl<T, U> Sub<U> for Array<T> where
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
T: ImplicitPromote<U>,
U: ImplicitPromote<T> + Clone + ConstGenerator<OutType = U>,
impl<A, B> SubAssign<Array<B>> for Array<A> where
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
B: ImplicitPromote<A>,
impl<T: HasAfEnum> Sync for Array<T>
Auto Trait Implementations
impl<T> RefUnwindSafe for Array<T> where
T: RefUnwindSafe,
T: RefUnwindSafe,
impl<T> Unpin for Array<T> where
T: Unpin,
T: Unpin,
impl<T> UnwindSafe for Array<T> where
T: UnwindSafe,
T: UnwindSafe,
Blanket Implementations
impl<T> Any for T where
T: 'static + ?Sized,
T: 'static + ?Sized,
impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
T: ?Sized,
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
T: ?Sized,
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> From<T> for T
impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
U: From<T>,
U: From<T>,
impl<T, Rhs> NumAssignOps<Rhs> for T where
T: AddAssign<Rhs> + SubAssign<Rhs> + MulAssign<Rhs> + DivAssign<Rhs> + RemAssign<Rhs>,
T: AddAssign<Rhs> + SubAssign<Rhs> + MulAssign<Rhs> + DivAssign<Rhs> + RemAssign<Rhs>,
impl<T, Rhs, Output> NumOps<Rhs, Output> for T where
T: Sub<Rhs, Output = Output> + Mul<Rhs, Output = Output> + Div<Rhs, Output = Output> + Add<Rhs, Output = Output> + Rem<Rhs, Output = Output>,
T: Sub<Rhs, Output = Output> + Mul<Rhs, Output = Output> + Div<Rhs, Output = Output> + Add<Rhs, Output = Output> + Rem<Rhs, Output = Output>,
impl<T, Base> RefNum<Base> for T where
T: NumOps<Base, Base> + for<'r> NumOps<&'r Base, Base>,
T: NumOps<Base, Base> + for<'r> NumOps<&'r Base, Base>,
impl<T> ToOwned for T where
T: Clone,
T: Clone,
impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
U: Into<T>,
U: Into<T>,
impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
U: TryFrom<T>,
U: TryFrom<T>,