AFAPI array | randu (const dim4 &dims, const dtype ty, randomEngine &r) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers uniformly distributed. More...
AFAPI array | randn (const dim4 &dims, const dtype ty, randomEngine &r) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers normally distributed. More...
AFAPI array | randu (const dim4 &dims, const dtype ty=f32) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers uniformly distributed. More...
AFAPI array | randu (const dim_t d0, const dtype ty=f32) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers uniformly distributed. More...
AFAPI array | randu (const dim_t d0, const dim_t d1, const dtype ty=f32) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers uniformly distributed. More...
AFAPI array | randu (const dim_t d0, const dim_t d1, const dim_t d2, const dtype ty=f32) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers uniformly distributed. More...
AFAPI array | randu (const dim_t d0, const dim_t d1, const dim_t d2, const dim_t d3, const dtype ty=f32) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers uniformly distributed. More...
AFAPI array | randn (const dim4 &dims, const dtype ty=f32) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers normally distributed. More...
AFAPI array | randn (const dim_t d0, const dtype ty=f32) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers normally distributed. More...
AFAPI array | randn (const dim_t d0, const dim_t d1, const dtype ty=f32) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers normally distributed. More...
AFAPI array | randn (const dim_t d0, const dim_t d1, const dim_t d2, const dtype ty=f32) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers normally distributed. More...
AFAPI array | randn (const dim_t d0, const dim_t d1, const dim_t d2, const dim_t d3, const dtype ty=f32) |
| C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers normally distributed. More...
AFAPI void | setDefaultRandomEngineType (randomEngineType rtype) |
| C++ Interface to set the default random engine type. More...
AFAPI randomEngine | getDefaultRandomEngine (void) |
| C++ Interface to get the default random engine type. More...
AFAPI void | setSeed (const unsigned long long seed) |
| C++ Interface to set the seed of the default random number generator. More...
AFAPI unsigned long long | getSeed () |
| C++ Interface to get the seed of the default random number generator. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_create_random_engine (af_random_engine *engine, af_random_engine_type rtype, unsigned long long seed) |
| C Interface to create a random engine. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_retain_random_engine (af_random_engine *out, const af_random_engine engine) |
| C Interface to retain a random engine. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_random_engine_set_type (af_random_engine *engine, const af_random_engine_type rtype) |
| C Interface to change random engine type. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_random_engine_get_type (af_random_engine_type *rtype, const af_random_engine engine) |
| C Interface to get random engine type. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_random_uniform (af_array *out, const unsigned ndims, const dim_t *const dims, const af_dtype type, af_random_engine engine) |
| C Interface to create an array of uniform numbers using a random engine. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_random_normal (af_array *out, const unsigned ndims, const dim_t *const dims, const af_dtype type, af_random_engine engine) |
| C Interface to create an array of normal numbers using a random engine. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_random_engine_set_seed (af_random_engine *engine, const unsigned long long seed) |
| C Interface to set the seed of a random engine. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_get_default_random_engine (af_random_engine *engine) |
| C Interface to get the default random engine. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_set_default_random_engine_type (const af_random_engine_type rtype) |
| C Interface to set the type of the default random engine. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_random_engine_get_seed (unsigned long long *const seed, af_random_engine engine) |
| C Interface to get the seed of a random engine. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_release_random_engine (af_random_engine engine) |
| C Interface to release a random engine. More...
AFAPI af_err | af_randu (af_array *out, const unsigned ndims, const dim_t *const dims, const af_dtype type) |
AFAPI af_err | af_randn (af_array *out, const unsigned ndims, const dim_t *const dims, const af_dtype type) |
AFAPI af_err | af_set_seed (const unsigned long long seed) |
AFAPI af_err | af_get_seed (unsigned long long *seed) |