A high-performance general-purpose compute library
* Copyright (c) 2014, ArrayFire
* All rights reserved.
* This file is distributed under 3-clause BSD license.
* The complete license agreement can be obtained at:
* http://arrayfire.com/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
#include <arrayfire.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <af/util.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace af;
array distance(array data, array means) {
int n = data.dims(0); // Number of features
int k = means.dims(1); // Number of means
array data2 = tile(data, 1, k, 1);
array means2 = tile(means, n, 1, 1);
// Currently using manhattan distance
// Can be replaced with other distance measures
return sum(abs(data2 - means2), 2);
// Get cluster id of each location in data
array clusterize(const array data, const array means) {
// Get manhattan distance
array dists = distance(data, means);
// get the locations of minimum distance
array idx, val;
min(val, idx, dists, 1);
// Return cluster IDs
return idx;
array new_means(array data, array clusters, int k) {
int d = data.dims(2);
array means = constant(0, 1, k, d);
array clustersd = tile(clusters, 1, 1, d);
gfor(seq ii, k) {
means(span, ii, span) =
sum(data * (clustersd == ii)) / (sum(clusters == ii) + 1e-5);
return means;
// kmeans(means, clusters, data, k)
// data: input, 1D or 2D (range > [0-1])
// k: input, # desired means (k > 1)
// means: output, vector of means
void kmeans(array &means, array &clusters, const array in, int k,
int iter = 100) {
unsigned n = in.dims(0); // Num features
unsigned d = in.dims(2); // feature length
// reshape input
array data = in * 0;
// re-center and scale down data to [0, 1]
array minimum = min(in);
array maximum = max(in);
gfor(seq ii, d) {
data(span, span, ii) =
(in(span, span, ii) - minimum(ii).scalar<float>()) /
// Initial guess of means
means = randu(1, k, d);
array curr_clusters = constant(0, data.dims(0)) - 1;
array prev_clusters;
// Stop updating after specified number of iterations
for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
// Store previous cluster ids
prev_clusters = curr_clusters;
// Get cluster ids for current means
curr_clusters = clusterize(data, means);
// Break early if clusters not changing
unsigned num_changed = count<unsigned>(prev_clusters != curr_clusters);
if (num_changed < (n / 1000) + 1) break;
// Update current means for new clusters
means = new_means(data, curr_clusters, k);
// Scale up means
gfor(seq ii, d) {
means(span, span, ii) =
maximum(ii) * means(span, span, ii) + minimum(ii);
clusters = prev_clusters;
// K-Means image recoloring.
// Shifts the hues of an image to the k mean hues.
int kmeans_demo(int k, bool console) {
printf("** ArrayFire K-Means Demo (k = %d) **\n\n", k);
array img =
loadImage(ASSETS_DIR "/examples/images/spider.jpg") / 255; // [0-255]
int w = img.dims(0), h = img.dims(1), c = img.dims(2);
array vec = moddims(img, w * h, 1, c);
array means_full, clusters_full;
kmeans(means_full, clusters_full, vec, k);
array means_half, clusters_half;
kmeans(means_half, clusters_half, vec, k / 2);
array means_dbl, clusters_dbl;
kmeans(means_dbl, clusters_dbl, vec, k * 2);
if (!console) {
array out_full =
moddims(means_full(span, clusters_full, span), img.dims());
array out_half =
moddims(means_half(span, clusters_half, span), img.dims());
array out_dbl =
moddims(means_dbl(span, clusters_dbl, span), img.dims());
af::Window wnd(800, 800, "ArrayFire K-Means Demo");
wnd.grid(2, 2);
std::stringstream out_full_caption, out_half_caption, out_dbl_caption;
out_full_caption << "k = " << k;
out_half_caption << "k = " << k / 2;
out_dbl_caption << "k = " << k * 2;
while (!wnd.close()) {
wnd(0, 0).image(img, "Input Image");
wnd(0, 1).image(out_full, out_full_caption.str().c_str());
wnd(1, 0).image(out_half, out_half_caption.str().c_str());
wnd(1, 1).image(out_dbl, out_dbl_caption.str().c_str());
} else {
means_full =
moddims(means_full, means_full.dims(1), means_full.dims(2));
means_half =
moddims(means_half, means_half.dims(1), means_half.dims(2));
means_dbl = moddims(means_dbl, means_dbl.dims(1), means_dbl.dims(2));
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int device = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
bool console = argc > 2 ? argv[2][0] == '-' : false;
int k = argc > 3 ? atoi(argv[3]) : 8;
try {
return kmeans_demo(k, console);
} catch (af::exception &ae) { std::cerr << ae.what() << std::endl; }
return 0;
Window object to render af::arrays.
Definition: graphics.h:37
A multi dimensional data container.
Definition: array.h:37
T scalar() const
Get the first element of the array as a scalar.
dim4 dims() const
Get dimensions of the array.
An ArrayFire exception class.
Definition: exception.h:22
virtual const char * what() const
Returns an error message for the exception in a string format.
Definition: exception.h:46
seq is used to create sequences for indexing af::array
Definition: seq.h:46
#define gfor(var,...)
Definition: gfor.h:26
array constant(T val, const dim4 &dims, const dtype ty=(af_dtype) dtype_traits< T >::ctype)
C++ Interface to generate an array with elements set to a specified value.
AFAPI void info()
AFAPI void setDevice(const int device)
Sets the current device.
AFAPI array loadImage(const char *filename, const bool is_color=false)
C++ Interface for loading an image.
AFAPI array moddims(const array &in, const dim4 &dims)
C++ Interface to modify the dimensions of an input array to a specified shape.
AFAPI array tile(const array &in, const unsigned x, const unsigned y=1, const unsigned z=1, const unsigned w=1)
C++ Interface to generate a tiled array.
AFAPI array randu(const dim4 &dims, const dtype ty, randomEngine &r)
C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers uniformly distributed.
AFAPI array max(const array &in, const int dim=-1)
C++ Interface to return the maximum along a given dimension.
AFAPI array min(const array &in, const int dim=-1)
C++ Interface to return the minimum along a given dimension.
AFAPI array sum(const array &in, const int dim=-1)
C++ Interface to sum array elements over a given dimension.
Definition: algorithm.h:15
#define af_print(...)
Definition: util.h:148