#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
static float h1[] = {1, 1, 1};
static float h2[] = {-1, 0, 1};
static array colf(3, 1, h1);
static array rowf(3, 1, h2);
array Gy = convolve(rowf, colf, in);
array Gx = convolve(colf, rowf, in);
mag = hypot(Gx, Gy);
dir = atan2(Gy, Gx);
sobel(Gx, Gy, in, 3);
mag = hypot(Gx, Gy);
dir = atan2(Gy, Gx);
float mx = max<float>(in);
float mn = min<float>(in);
return (in - mn) / (mx - mn);
int w = 5;
if (in.
dims(0) < 512) w = 3;
if (in.
dims(0) > 2048) w = 7;
int h = 5;
if (in.
dims(0) < 512) h = 3;
if (in.
dims(0) > 2048) h = 7;
switch (method) {
case 1: prewitt(mag, dir, smooth); break;
case 2: sobelFilter(mag, dir, smooth); break;
case 3:
return normalize(mag);
void edge() {
array in =
array prewitt = edge(in, 1);
array sobelFilter = edge(in, 2);
myWindow2.setAxesTitles("Bins", "Frequency");
while (!myWindow.close() && !myWindow2.close()) {
myWindow.grid(2, 2);
myWindow(0, 0).image(in / 255, "Input Image");
myWindow(0, 1).image(prewitt, "Prewitt");
myWindow(1, 0).image(sobelFilter, "Sobel");
myWindow(1, 1).image(cny, "Canny");
myWindow2.hist(hst, 0, 255);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int device = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
try {
printf("** ArrayFire Edge Detection Demo **\n");
"%s\n", e.
return 0;
Window object to render af::arrays.
A multi dimensional data container.
dim4 dims() const
Get dimensions of the array.
const array as(dtype type) const
Casts the array into another data type.
An ArrayFire exception class.
virtual const char * what() const
Returns an error message for the exception in a string format.
@ f32
32-bit floating point values
Determine canny algorithm thresholds using Otsu algorithm.
AFAPI void setDevice(const int device)
Sets the current device.
AFAPI array canny(const array &in, const cannyThreshold thresholdType, const float lowThresholdRatio, const float highThresholdRatio, const unsigned sobelWindow=3, const bool isFast=false)
C++ Interface for canny edge detector.
AFAPI array gaussianKernel(const int rows, const int cols, const double sig_r=0, const double sig_c=0)
C++ Interface for generating gausian kernels.
AFAPI array histogram(const array &in, const unsigned nbins, const double minval, const double maxval)
C++ Interface for histogram.
AFAPI array loadImage(const char *filename, const bool is_color=false)
C++ Interface for loading an image.
AFAPI array convolve(const array &signal, const array &filter, const convMode mode=AF_CONV_DEFAULT, const convDomain domain=AF_CONV_AUTO)
C++ Interface for convolution any(one through three) dimensional signals.