A high-performance general-purpose compute library
* Copyright (c) 2014, ArrayFire
* All rights reserved.
* This file is distributed under 3-clause BSD license.
* The complete license agreement can be obtained at:
* http://arrayfire.com/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
#include <arrayfire.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../common/progress.h"
using namespace af;
const float h_sx_kernel[] = {1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -2, -1};
const float h_sy_kernel[] = {-1, 0, 1, -2, 0, 2, -1, 0, 1};
// Unused
// const float h_lp_kernel[] = { -0.5f, -1.0f, -0.5f,
// -1.0f, 6.0f, -1.0f,
// -0.5f, -1.0f, -0.5f
array edges_slice(array x) {
array ret;
static array kernelx = array(dim4(3, 3), h_sx_kernel);
static array kernely = array(dim4(3, 3), h_sy_kernel);
ret = convolve(x, kernelx) + convolve(x, kernely);
return abs(ret);
array gauss(array x, float u, float s) {
double f = 1 / sqrt(2 * af::Pi * s * s);
array e = exp(-pow((x - u), 2) / (2 * s * s));
return f * e;
array segment_volume(array A, int k) {
array I1 = A(span, span, k);
float mx = max<float>(I1);
float mn = min<float>(I1);
float u0 = 0.9 * mx;
float s0 = (mx - mn) / 2;
float u1 = 1.1 * mn;
float s1 = (mx - mn) / 2;
array L0 = gauss(I1, u0, s0);
array L11 = gauss(I1, u1, s1);
array L10;
array L12;
static array kernel = constant(1, 3, 3) / 9;
static array L11_old;
static array L12_old;
if (k == 0) {
L11 = convolve(L11, kernel);
L10 = L11;
} else {
L10 = L11_old;
L11 = L12_old;
if (k < A.dims(2) - 1) {
L12 = gauss(A(span, span, k + 1), u1, s1);
L12 = convolve(L12, kernel);
} else {
L12 = L11;
L11_old = L11;
L12_old = L12;
array L1 = (L10 + L11 + L12) / 3;
array S = (L0 > L1);
return S.as(A.type());
void brain_seg(bool console) {
af::Window wnd("Brain Segmentation Demo");
double time_total = 30; // run for N seconds
array B = loadImage(ASSETS_DIR "/examples/images/brain.png");
int slices = 256;
B = moddims(B, dim4(B.dims(0), B.dims(1) / slices, slices));
int N = 2 * slices - 1;
timer t = timer::start();
int iter = 0;
/* loop forward and backward for 100 frames
* exit if the user presses escape or the animation
* ends
for (int i = 0; !wnd.close(); i++) {
int j = i % N;
int k = std::min(j, N - j);
array Bi = B(span, span, k);
/* process */
array Si = segment_volume(B, k);
array Ei = edges_slice(Si);
array Mi = meanShift(Bi, 10, 10, 5);
/* visualization */
if (!console) {
wnd.grid(2, 2);
wnd(0, 0).image(Bi / 255.f, "Input");
wnd(1, 0).image(Ei, "Edges");
wnd(0, 1).image(Mi / 255.f, "Meanshift");
wnd(1, 1).image(Si, "Segmented");
} else {
/* sync the operations so that current
* iteration comptation finishes
* */
/* we have had ran throuh simlation results
* exit the rendering loop */
if (!progress(iter, t, time_total)) break;
if (!(i < 100 * N)) break;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int device = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
bool console = argc > 2 ? argv[2][0] == '-' : false;
try {
printf("Brain segmentation example\n");
} catch (af::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.what()); }
return 0;
Window object to render af::arrays.
Definition: graphics.h:37
A multi dimensional data container.
Definition: array.h:37
dim4 dims() const
Get dimensions of the array.
dtype type() const
Get array data type.
const array as(dtype type) const
Casts the array into another data type.
Generic object that represents size and shape.
Definition: dim4.hpp:26
An ArrayFire exception class.
Definition: exception.h:22
virtual const char * what() const
Returns an error message for the exception in a string format.
Definition: exception.h:46
Heat map.
Definition: defines.h:460
AFAPI array abs(const array &in)
C++ Interface to calculate the absolute value.
AFAPI array exp(const array &in)
C++ Interface to evaluate the exponential.
AFAPI array pow(const array &base, const array &exponent)
C++ Interface to raise a base to a power (or exponent).
AFAPI array sqrt(const array &in)
C++ Interface to evaluate the square root.
array constant(T val, const dim4 &dims, const dtype ty=(af_dtype) dtype_traits< T >::ctype)
C++ Interface to generate an array with elements set to a specified value.
AFAPI void info()
AFAPI void setDevice(const int device)
Sets the current device.
AFAPI void sync(const int device=-1)
Blocks until the device is finished processing.
AFAPI array meanShift(const array &in, const float spatial_sigma, const float chromatic_sigma, const unsigned iter, const bool is_color=false)
C++ Interface for mean shift.
AFAPI array loadImage(const char *filename, const bool is_color=false)
C++ Interface for loading an image.
AFAPI array moddims(const array &in, const dim4 &dims)
C++ Interface to modify the dimensions of an input array to a specified shape.
AFAPI array convolve(const array &signal, const array &filter, const convMode mode=AF_CONV_DEFAULT, const convDomain domain=AF_CONV_AUTO)
C++ Interface for convolution any(one through three) dimensional signals.
Definition: algorithm.h:15
AFAPI const double Pi
Internal timer object.
Definition: timing.h:29