Use allocV2 instead. allocV2 accepts number of bytes instead of number of elements and returns a cl_mem object instead of the cl::Buffer object for the OpenCL backend. Otherwise the functionallity is identical to af::alloc.
Global af::alloc (const size_t elements, const dtype type)
Use allocV2 instead. allocV2 accepts number of bytes instead of number of elements and returns a cl_mem object instead of the cl::Buffer object for the OpenCL backend. Otherwise the functionallity is identical to af::alloc.
Use af::freeV2 instead. af_alloc_device_v2 returns a cl_mem object instead of the cl::Buffer object for the OpenCL backend. Otherwise the functionallity is identical
Global af::gaussiankernel (const int rows, const int cols, const double sig_r=0, const double sig_c=0)
Use af_alloc_device_v2 instead. af_alloc_device_v2 returns a cl_mem object instead of the cl::Buffer object for the OpenCL backend. Otherwise the functionallity is identical
Global af_cov (af_array *out, const af_array X, const af_array Y, const bool isbiased)