A high-performance general-purpose compute library
Timing ArrayFire Code

In performance-sensitive applications, it is vital to profile and measure the execution time of operations. ArrayFire provides mechanisms to achieve this.

ArrayFire employs an asynchronous evaluation model for all of its functions. This means that operations are queued to execute but do not necessarily complete prior to function return. Hence, directly measuring the time taken for an ArrayFire function could be misleading. To accurately measure time, one must ensure the operations are evaluated and synchronize the ArrayFire stream.

ArrayFire also employs a lazy evaluation model for its elementwise arithmetic operations. This means operations are not queued for execution until the result is needed by downstream operations blocking until the operations are complete.

The following describes how to time ArrayFire code using the eval and sync functions along with the timer and timeit functions. A final note on kernel caching also provides helpful details about ArrayFire runtimes.

Using ArrayFire eval and sync functions

ArrayFire provides functions to force the evaluation of lazy functions and to block until all asynchoronous operations complete.

  1. The eval function:

    Forces the evaluation of an ArrayFire array. It ensures the execution of operations queued up for a specific array.

    It is only required for timing purposes if elementwise arithmetic functions are called on the array, since these are handled by the ArrayFire JIT.

    af::array A = af::randu(1000, 1000);
    af::array B = A + A; // Elementwise arithmetic operation.
    B.eval(); // Forces evaluation of B.
    A multi dimensional data container.
    Definition: array.h:37
    void eval() const
    Evaluate any JIT expressions to generate data for the array.
    AFAPI array randu(const dim4 &dims, const dtype ty, randomEngine &r)
    C++ Interface to create an array of random numbers uniformly distributed.

    The function initializes the evaluation of the JIT-tree for that array and may return prior to the completion of those operations. To ensure proper timing, combine with a sync function.

  2. The sync function:

    Synchronizes the ArrayFire stream. It waits for all the previous operations in the stream to finish. It is often used after eval to ensure that operations have indeed been completed.

    af::sync(); // Waits for all previous operations to complete.
    AFAPI void sync(const int device=-1)
    Blocks until the device is finished processing.

Using ArrayFire timer and timeit functions

ArrayFire provides a simple timer functions that returns the current time in seconds.

  1. The timer function:

    timer() : A platform-independent timer with microsecond accuracy:

    Example: single timer

    // start timer
    // - be sure to use the eval and sync functions so that previous code
    // does not get timed as part of the execution segment being measured
    // run a code segment
    // - be sure to use the eval and sync functions to ensure the code
    // segment operations have been completed
    // stop timer
    printf("elapsed seconds: %g\n", timer::stop());

    Example: multiple timers

    // start timers
    // - be sure to use the eval and sync functions so that previous code
    // does not get timed as part of the execution segment being measured
    timer start1 = timer::start();
    timer start2 = timer::start();
    // run a code segment
    // - be sure to use the eval and sync functions to ensure the code
    // segment operations have been completed
    // stop timer1
    printf("elapsed seconds: %g\n", timer::stop(start1));
    // run another code segment
    // - be sure to use the eval and sync functions to ensure the code
    // segment operations have been completed
    // stop timer2
    printf("elapsed seconds: %g\n", timer::stop(start2));

    Accurate and reliable measurement of performance involves several factors:

    • Executing enough iterations to achieve peak performance.
    • Executing enough repetitions to amortize any overhead from system timers.
  2. The timeit function:

    To take care of much of this boilerplate, timeit provides accurate and reliable estimates of both CPU or GPU code.

    Here is a stripped down example of Monte-Carlo estimation of PI making use of timeit. Notice how it expects a void function pointer.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <arrayfire.h>
    using namespace af;
    void pi_function() {
    int n = 20e6; // 20 million random samples
    array x = randu(n, f32), y = randu(n, f32);
    // how many fell inside unit circle?
    float pi = 4.0 * sum<float>(sqrt(x*x + y*y)) < 1) / n;
    int main() {
    printf("pi_function took %g seconds\n", timeit(pi_function));
    return 0;
    @ f32
    32-bit floating point values
    Definition: defines.h:211
    Definition: algorithm.h:15

    This produces:

    pi_function took 0.007252 seconds
    (test machine: Core i7 920 @ 2.67GHz with a Tesla C2070)

A note on kernel caching

The first run of ArrayFire code exercises any JIT compilation in the application, automatically saving a cache of the compilation to disk. Subsequent runs load the cache from disk, executing without compilation. Therefore, it is typically best to "warm up" the code with one run to initiate the application's kernel cache. Afterwards, subsequent runs do not include the compile time and are tend to be faster than the first run.

Averaging the time taken is always the best approach and one reason why the timeit function is helpful.