A high-performance general-purpose compute library

&&, ||, |, &, <, >, <=, >=, ==, ! More...


 Evaluate the logical AND of two arrays.
 Evaluate the bitwise AND of two arrays.
 Evaluate the bitwise NOT of an array.
 Evaluate the bitwise OR of two arrays.
 Evaluate the bitwise XOR of two arrays.
 Equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
 Greater than or equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
 Greater than comparison, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
 Less than or equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
 Less than, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
 Not equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays.
 Evaluate the logical NOT of an array.
 Evaluate the logical OR of two arrays.

Detailed Description

&&, ||, |, &, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !