&&, ||, |, &, <, >, <=, >=, ==, ! More...
Modules | |
and | |
Evaluate the logical AND of two arrays. | |
bitand | |
Evaluate the bitwise AND of two arrays. | |
bitnot | |
Evaluate the bitwise NOT of an array. | |
bitor | |
Evaluate the bitwise OR of two arrays. | |
bitxor | |
Evaluate the bitwise XOR of two arrays. | |
eq | |
Equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays. | |
ge | |
Greater than or equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays. | |
gt | |
Greater than comparison, an elementwise comparison of two arrays. | |
le | |
Less than or equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays. | |
lt | |
Less than, an elementwise comparison of two arrays. | |
neq | |
Not equal to, an elementwise comparison of two arrays. | |
not | |
Evaluate the logical NOT of an array. | |
or | |
Evaluate the logical OR of two arrays. | |
&&, ||, |, &, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !