Source code for arrayfire.statistics

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Statistical algorithms (mean, var, stdev, etc).

from .library import *
from .array import *

[docs]def mean(a, weights=None, dim=None): """ Calculate mean along a given dimension. Parameters ---------- a: af.Array The input array. weights: optional: af.Array. default: None. Array to calculate the weighted mean. Must match size of the input array. dim: optional: int. default: None. The dimension for which to obtain the mean from input data. Returns ------- output: af.Array Array containing the mean of the input array along a given dimension. """ if dim is not None: out = Array() if weights is None: safe_call(backend.get().af_mean(c_pointer(out.arr), a.arr, c_int_t(dim))) else: safe_call(backend.get().af_mean_weighted(c_pointer(out.arr), a.arr, weights.arr, c_int_t(dim))) return out else: real = c_double_t(0) imag = c_double_t(0) if weights is None: safe_call(backend.get().af_mean_all(c_pointer(real), c_pointer(imag), a.arr)) else: safe_call(backend.get().af_mean_all_weighted(c_pointer(real), c_pointer(imag), a.arr, weights.arr)) real = real.value imag = imag.value return real if imag == 0 else real + imag * 1j
[docs]def var(a, isbiased=False, weights=None, dim=None): """ Calculate variance along a given dimension. Parameters ---------- a: af.Array The input array. isbiased: optional: Boolean. default: False. Boolean denoting population variance (false) or sample variance (true). weights: optional: af.Array. default: None. Array to calculate for the weighted mean. Must match size of the input array. dim: optional: int. default: None. The dimension for which to obtain the variance from input data. Returns ------- output: af.Array Array containing the variance of the input array along a given dimension. """ if dim is not None: out = Array() if weights is None: safe_call(backend.get().af_var(c_pointer(out.arr), a.arr, isbiased, c_int_t(dim))) else: safe_call(backend.get().af_var_weighted(c_pointer(out.arr), a.arr, weights.arr, c_int_t(dim))) return out else: real = c_double_t(0) imag = c_double_t(0) if weights is None: safe_call(backend.get().af_var_all(c_pointer(real), c_pointer(imag), a.arr, isbiased)) else: safe_call(backend.get().af_var_all_weighted(c_pointer(real), c_pointer(imag), a.arr, weights.arr)) real = real.value imag = imag.value return real if imag == 0 else real + imag * 1j
[docs]def meanvar(a, weights=None, bias=VARIANCE.DEFAULT, dim=-1): """ Calculate mean and variance along a given dimension. Parameters ---------- a: af.Array The input array. weights: optional: af.Array. default: None. Array to calculate for the weighted mean. Must match size of the input array. bias: optional: af.VARIANCE. default: DEFAULT. population variance(VARIANCE.POPULATION) or sample variance(VARIANCE.SAMPLE). dim: optional: int. default: -1. The dimension for which to obtain the variance from input data. Returns ------- mean: af.Array Array containing the mean of the input array along a given dimension. variance: af.Array Array containing the variance of the input array along a given dimension. """ mean_out = Array() var_out = Array() if weights is None: weights = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_meanvar(c_pointer(mean_out.arr), c_pointer(var_out.arr), a.arr, weights.arr, bias.value, c_int_t(dim))) return mean_out, var_out
[docs]def stdev(a, dim=None): """ Calculate standard deviation along a given dimension. Parameters ---------- a: af.Array The input array. dim: optional: int. default: None. The dimension for which to obtain the standard deviation from input data. Returns ------- output: af.Array Array containing the standard deviation of the input array along a given dimension. """ if dim is not None: out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_stdev(c_pointer(out.arr), a.arr, c_int_t(dim))) return out else: real = c_double_t(0) imag = c_double_t(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_stdev_all(c_pointer(real), c_pointer(imag), a.arr)) real = real.value imag = imag.value return real if imag == 0 else real + imag * 1j
[docs]def cov(a, isbiased=False, dim=None): """ Calculate covariance along a given dimension. Parameters ---------- a: af.Array The input array. isbiased: optional: Boolean. default: False. Boolean denoting whether biased estimate should be taken. dim: optional: int. default: None. The dimension for which to obtain the covariance from input data. Returns ------- output: af.Array Array containing the covariance of the input array along a given dimension. """ if dim is not None: out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_cov(c_pointer(out.arr), a.arr, isbiased, c_int_t(dim))) return out else: real = c_double_t(0) imag = c_double_t(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_cov_all(c_pointer(real), c_pointer(imag), a.arr, isbiased)) real = real.value imag = imag.value return real if imag == 0 else real + imag * 1j
[docs]def median(a, dim=None): """ Calculate median along a given dimension. Parameters ---------- a: af.Array The input array. dim: optional: int. default: None. The dimension for which to obtain the median from input data. Returns ------- output: af.Array Array containing the median of the input array along a given dimension. """ if dim is not None: out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_median(c_pointer(out.arr), a.arr, c_int_t(dim))) return out else: real = c_double_t(0) imag = c_double_t(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_median_all(c_pointer(real), c_pointer(imag), a.arr)) real = real.value imag = imag.value return real if imag == 0 else real + imag * 1j
[docs]def corrcoef(x, y): """ Calculate the correlation coefficient of the input arrays. Parameters ---------- x: af.Array The first input array. y: af.Array The second input array. Returns ------- output: af.Array Array containing the correlation coefficient of the input arrays. """ real = c_double_t(0) imag = c_double_t(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_corrcoef(c_pointer(real), c_pointer(imag), x.arr, y.arr)) real = real.value imag = imag.value return real if imag == 0 else real + imag * 1j
[docs]def topk(data, k, dim=0, order=TOPK.DEFAULT): """ Return top k elements along a single dimension. Parameters ---------- data: af.Array Input array to return k elements from. k: scalar. default: 0 The number of elements to return from input array. dim: optional: scalar. default: 0 The dimension along which the top k elements are extracted. Note: at the moment, topk() only supports the extraction of values along the first dimension. order: optional: af.TOPK. default: af.TOPK.DEFAULT The ordering of k extracted elements. Defaults to top k max values. Returns ------- values: af.Array Top k elements from input array. indices: af.Array Corresponding index array to top k elements. """ values = Array() indices = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_topk(c_pointer(values.arr), c_pointer(indices.arr), data.arr, k, c_int_t(dim), order.value)) return values,indices