Source code for arrayfire.sparse

# Copyright (c) 2015, ArrayFire
# All rights reserved.
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Functions to create and manipulate sparse matrices.

from .library import *
from .array import *
import numbers
from .interop import to_array

__to_sparse_enum = [STORAGE.DENSE,

[docs]def create_sparse(values, row_idx, col_idx, nrows, ncols, storage = STORAGE.CSR): """ Create a sparse matrix from it's constituent parts. Parameters ---------- values : af.Array. - Contains the non zero elements of the sparse array. row_idx : af.Array. - Contains row indices of the sparse array. col_idx : af.Array. - Contains column indices of the sparse array. nrows : int. - specifies the number of rows in sparse matrix. ncols : int. - specifies the number of columns in sparse matrix. storage : optional: arrayfire.STORAGE. default: arrayfire.STORAGE.CSR. - Can be one of arrayfire.STORAGE.CSR, arrayfire.STORAGE.COO. Returns ------- A sparse matrix. """ assert(isinstance(values, Array)) assert(isinstance(row_idx, Array)) assert(isinstance(col_idx, Array)) out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_create_sparse_array(c_pointer(out.arr), c_dim_t(nrows), c_dim_t(ncols), values.arr, row_idx.arr, col_idx.arr, storage.value)) return out
[docs]def create_sparse_from_host(values, row_idx, col_idx, nrows, ncols, storage = STORAGE.CSR): """ Create a sparse matrix from it's constituent parts. Parameters ---------- values : Any datatype that can be converted to array. - Contains the non zero elements of the sparse array. row_idx : Any datatype that can be converted to array. - Contains row indices of the sparse array. col_idx : Any datatype that can be converted to array. - Contains column indices of the sparse array. nrows : int. - specifies the number of rows in sparse matrix. ncols : int. - specifies the number of columns in sparse matrix. storage : optional: arrayfire.STORAGE. default: arrayfire.STORAGE.CSR. - Can be one of arrayfire.STORAGE.CSR, arrayfire.STORAGE.COO. Returns ------- A sparse matrix. """ return create_sparse(to_array(values), to_array(row_idx).as_type(Dtype.s32), to_array(col_idx).as_type(Dtype.s32), nrows, ncols, storage)
[docs]def create_sparse_from_dense(dense, storage = STORAGE.CSR): """ Create a sparse matrix from a dense matrix. Parameters ---------- dense : af.Array. - A dense matrix. storage : optional: arrayfire.STORAGE. default: arrayfire.STORAGE.CSR. - Can be one of arrayfire.STORAGE.CSR, arrayfire.STORAGE.COO. Returns ------- A sparse matrix. """ assert(isinstance(dense, Array)) out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_create_sparse_array_from_dense(c_pointer(out.arr), dense.arr, storage.value)) return out
[docs]def convert_sparse_to_dense(sparse): """ Create a dense matrix from a sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- sparse : af.Array. - A sparse matrix. Returns ------- A dense matrix. """ out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_sparse_to_dense(c_pointer(out.arr), sparse.arr)) return out
[docs]def sparse_get_info(sparse): """ Get the constituent arrays and storage info from a sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- sparse : af.Array. - A sparse matrix. Returns -------- (values, row_idx, col_idx, storage) where values : arrayfire.Array containing non zero elements from sparse matrix row_idx : arrayfire.Array containing the row indices col_idx : arrayfire.Array containing the column indices storage : sparse storage """ values = Array() row_idx = Array() col_idx = Array() stype = c_int_t(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_sparse_get_info(c_pointer(values.arr), c_pointer(row_idx.arr), c_pointer(col_idx.arr), c_pointer(stype), sparse.arr)) return (values, row_idx, col_idx, __to_sparse_enum[stype.value])
[docs]def sparse_get_values(sparse): """ Get the non zero values from sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- sparse : af.Array. - A sparse matrix. Returns -------- arrayfire array containing the non zero elements. """ values = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_sparse_get_values(c_pointer(values.arr), sparse.arr)) return values
[docs]def sparse_get_row_idx(sparse): """ Get the row indices from sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- sparse : af.Array. - A sparse matrix. Returns -------- arrayfire array containing the non zero elements. """ row_idx = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_sparse_get_row_idx(c_pointer(row_idx.arr), sparse.arr)) return row_idx
[docs]def sparse_get_col_idx(sparse): """ Get the column indices from sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- sparse : af.Array. - A sparse matrix. Returns -------- arrayfire array containing the non zero elements. """ col_idx = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_sparse_get_col_idx(c_pointer(col_idx.arr), sparse.arr)) return col_idx
[docs]def sparse_get_nnz(sparse): """ Get the column indices from sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- sparse : af.Array. - A sparse matrix. Returns -------- Number of non zero elements in the sparse matrix. """ nnz = c_dim_t(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_sparse_get_nnz(c_pointer(nnz), sparse.arr)) return nnz.value
[docs]def sparse_get_storage(sparse): """ Get the column indices from sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- sparse : af.Array. - A sparse matrix. Returns -------- Number of non zero elements in the sparse matrix. """ storage = c_int_t(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_sparse_get_storage(c_pointer(storage), sparse.arr)) return __to_sparse_enum[storage.value]
[docs]def convert_sparse(sparse, storage): """ Convert sparse matrix from one format to another. Parameters ---------- storage : arrayfire.STORAGE. Returns ------- Sparse matrix converted to the appropriate type. """ out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_sparse_convert_to(c_pointer(out.arr), sparse.arr, storage.value)) return out