Source code for arrayfire.library

# Copyright (c) 2015, ArrayFire
# All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under 3-clause BSD license.
# The complete license agreement can be obtained at:

Module containing enums and other constants.

import platform
import ctypes as ct
import traceback
import os
import sys

c_float_t     = ct.c_float
c_double_t    = ct.c_double
c_int_t       = ct.c_int
c_uint_t      = ct.c_uint
c_longlong_t  = ct.c_longlong
c_ulonglong_t = ct.c_ulonglong
c_char_t      = ct.c_char
c_bool_t      = ct.c_bool
c_uchar_t     = ct.c_ubyte
c_short_t     = ct.c_short
c_ushort_t    = ct.c_ushort
c_pointer     = ct.pointer
c_void_ptr_t  = ct.c_void_p
c_char_ptr_t  = ct.c_char_p
c_size_t      = ct.c_size_t
c_cast        = ct.cast

[docs]class af_cfloat_t(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [("real", ct.c_float), ("imag", ct.c_float)]
[docs]class af_cdouble_t(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [("real", ct.c_double), ("imag", ct.c_double)]
AF_VER_MAJOR = '3' FORGE_VER_MAJOR = '1' # Work around for unexpected architectures if 'c_dim_t_forced' in globals(): global c_dim_t_forced c_dim_t = c_dim_t_forced else: # dim_t is long long by default c_dim_t = c_longlong_t # Change to int for 32 bit x86 and amr architectures if (platform.architecture()[0][0:2] == '32' and (platform.machine()[-2:] == '86' or platform.machine()[0:3] == 'arm')): c_dim_t = c_int_t try: from enum import Enum as _Enum def _Enum_Type(v): return v except ImportError: class _MetaEnum(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): for attrname, attrvalue in attrs.iteritems(): if name != '_Enum' and isinstance(attrvalue, _Enum_Type): attrvalue.__class__ = cls attrs[attrname] = attrvalue class _Enum(object): __metaclass__ = _MetaEnum class _Enum_Type(object): def __init__(self, v): self.value = v
[docs]class ERR(_Enum): """ Error values. For internal use only. """ NONE = _Enum_Type(0) #100-199 Errors in environment NO_MEM = _Enum_Type(101) DRIVER = _Enum_Type(102) RUNTIME = _Enum_Type(103) # 200-299 Errors in input parameters INVALID_ARRAY = _Enum_Type(201) ARG = _Enum_Type(202) SIZE = _Enum_Type(203) TYPE = _Enum_Type(204) DIFF_TYPE = _Enum_Type(205) BATCH = _Enum_Type(207) DEVICE = _Enum_Type(208) # 300-399 Errors for missing software features NOT_SUPPORTED = _Enum_Type(301) NOT_CONFIGURED = _Enum_Type(302) NONFREE = _Enum_Type(303) # 400-499 Errors for missing hardware features NO_DBL = _Enum_Type(401) NO_GFX = _Enum_Type(402) NO_HALF = _Enum_Type(403) # 500-599 Errors specific to the heterogeneous API LOAD_LIB = _Enum_Type(501) LOAD_SYM = _Enum_Type(502) ARR_BKND_MISMATCH = _Enum_Type(503) # 900-999 Errors from upstream libraries and runtimes INTERNAL = _Enum_Type(998) UNKNOWN = _Enum_Type(999)
[docs]class Dtype(_Enum): """ Error values. For internal use only. """ f32 = _Enum_Type(0) c32 = _Enum_Type(1) f64 = _Enum_Type(2) c64 = _Enum_Type(3) b8 = _Enum_Type(4) s32 = _Enum_Type(5) u32 = _Enum_Type(6) u8 = _Enum_Type(7) s64 = _Enum_Type(8) u64 = _Enum_Type(9) s16 = _Enum_Type(10) u16 = _Enum_Type(11) f16 = _Enum_Type(12)
[docs]class Source(_Enum): """ Source of the pointer """ device = _Enum_Type(0) host = _Enum_Type(1)
[docs]class INTERP(_Enum): """ Interpolation method """ NEAREST = _Enum_Type(0) LINEAR = _Enum_Type(1) BILINEAR = _Enum_Type(2) CUBIC = _Enum_Type(3) LOWER = _Enum_Type(4) LINEAR_COSINE = _Enum_Type(5) BILINEAR_COSINE = _Enum_Type(6) BICUBIC = _Enum_Type(7) CUBIC_SPLINE = _Enum_Type(8) BICUBIC_SPLINE = _Enum_Type(9)
[docs]class PAD(_Enum): """ Edge padding types """ ZERO = _Enum_Type(0) SYM = _Enum_Type(1) CLAMP_TO_EDGE = _Enum_Type(2) PERIODIC = _Enum_Type(3)
[docs]class CONNECTIVITY(_Enum): """ Neighborhood connectivity """ FOUR = _Enum_Type(4) EIGHT = _Enum_Type(8)
[docs]class CONV_MODE(_Enum): """ Convolution mode """ DEFAULT = _Enum_Type(0) EXPAND = _Enum_Type(1)
[docs]class CONV_DOMAIN(_Enum): """ Convolution domain """ AUTO = _Enum_Type(0) SPATIAL = _Enum_Type(1) FREQ = _Enum_Type(2)
[docs]class CONV_GRADIENT(_Enum): """ Convolution gradient type """ DEFAULT = _Enum_Type(0) FILTER = _Enum_Type(1) DATA = _Enum_Type(2) BIAS = _Enum_Type(3)
[docs]class MATCH(_Enum): """ Match type """ """ Sum of absolute differences """ SAD = _Enum_Type(0) """ Zero mean SAD """ ZSAD = _Enum_Type(1) """ Locally scaled SAD """ LSAD = _Enum_Type(2) """ Sum of squared differences """ SSD = _Enum_Type(3) """ Zero mean SSD """ ZSSD = _Enum_Type(4) """ Locally scaled SSD """ LSSD = _Enum_Type(5) """ Normalized cross correlation """ NCC = _Enum_Type(6) """ Zero mean NCC """ ZNCC = _Enum_Type(7) """ Sum of hamming distances """ SHD = _Enum_Type(8)
[docs]class YCC_STD(_Enum): """ YCC Standard formats """ BT_601 = _Enum_Type(601) BT_709 = _Enum_Type(709) BT_2020 = _Enum_Type(2020)
[docs]class CSPACE(_Enum): """ Colorspace formats """ GRAY = _Enum_Type(0) RGB = _Enum_Type(1) HSV = _Enum_Type(2) YCbCr= _Enum_Type(3)
[docs]class MATPROP(_Enum): """ Matrix properties """ """ None, general. """ NONE = _Enum_Type(0) """ Transposed. """ TRANS = _Enum_Type(1) """ Conjugate transposed. """ CTRANS = _Enum_Type(2) """ Upper triangular matrix. """ UPPER = _Enum_Type(32) """ Lower triangular matrix. """ LOWER = _Enum_Type(64) """ Treat diagonal as units. """ DIAG_UNIT = _Enum_Type(128) """ Symmetric matrix. """ SYM = _Enum_Type(512) """ Positive definite matrix. """ POSDEF = _Enum_Type(1024) """ Orthogonal matrix. """ ORTHOG = _Enum_Type(2048) """ Tri diagonal matrix. """ TRI_DIAG = _Enum_Type(4096) """ Block diagonal matrix. """ BLOCK_DIAG = _Enum_Type(8192)
[docs]class NORM(_Enum): """ Norm types """ VECTOR_1 = _Enum_Type(0) VECTOR_INF = _Enum_Type(1) VECTOR_2 = _Enum_Type(2) VECTOR_P = _Enum_Type(3) MATRIX_1 = _Enum_Type(4) MATRIX_INF = _Enum_Type(5) MATRIX_2 = _Enum_Type(6) MATRIX_L_PQ = _Enum_Type(7) EUCLID = VECTOR_2
[docs]class COLORMAP(_Enum): """ Colormaps """ DEFAULT = _Enum_Type(0) SPECTRUM = _Enum_Type(1) COLORS = _Enum_Type(2) RED = _Enum_Type(3) MOOD = _Enum_Type(4) HEAT = _Enum_Type(5) BLUE = _Enum_Type(6)
[docs]class IMAGE_FORMAT(_Enum): """ Image Formats """ BMP = _Enum_Type(0) ICO = _Enum_Type(1) JPEG = _Enum_Type(2) JNG = _Enum_Type(3) PNG = _Enum_Type(13) PPM = _Enum_Type(14) PPMRAW = _Enum_Type(15) TIFF = _Enum_Type(18) PSD = _Enum_Type(20) HDR = _Enum_Type(26) EXR = _Enum_Type(29) JP2 = _Enum_Type(31) RAW = _Enum_Type(34)
[docs]class HOMOGRAPHY(_Enum): """ Homography Types """ RANSAC = _Enum_Type(0) LMEDS = _Enum_Type(1)
[docs]class BACKEND(_Enum): """ Backend libraries """ DEFAULT = _Enum_Type(0) CPU = _Enum_Type(1) CUDA = _Enum_Type(2) OPENCL = _Enum_Type(4)
[docs]class MARKER(_Enum): """ Markers used for different points in graphics plots """ NONE = _Enum_Type(0) POINT = _Enum_Type(1) CIRCLE = _Enum_Type(2) SQUARE = _Enum_Type(3) TRIANGE = _Enum_Type(4) CROSS = _Enum_Type(5) PLUS = _Enum_Type(6) STAR = _Enum_Type(7)
[docs]class MOMENT(_Enum): """ Image Moments types """ M00 = _Enum_Type(1) M01 = _Enum_Type(2) M10 = _Enum_Type(4) M11 = _Enum_Type(8) FIRST_ORDER = _Enum_Type(15)
[docs]class BINARYOP(_Enum): """ Binary Operators """ ADD = _Enum_Type(0) MUL = _Enum_Type(1) MIN = _Enum_Type(2) MAX = _Enum_Type(3)
[docs]class RANDOM_ENGINE(_Enum): """ Random engine types """ PHILOX_4X32_10 = _Enum_Type(100) THREEFRY_2X32_16 = _Enum_Type(200) MERSENNE_GP11213 = _Enum_Type(300) PHILOX = PHILOX_4X32_10 THREEFRY = THREEFRY_2X32_16 DEFAULT = PHILOX
[docs]class STORAGE(_Enum): """ Matrix Storage types """ DENSE = _Enum_Type(0) CSR = _Enum_Type(1) CSC = _Enum_Type(2) COO = _Enum_Type(3)
[docs]class CANNY_THRESHOLD(_Enum): """ Canny Edge Threshold types """ MANUAL = _Enum_Type(0) AUTO_OTSU = _Enum_Type(1)
[docs]class FLUX(_Enum): """ Flux functions """ DEFAULT = _Enum_Type(0) QUADRATIC = _Enum_Type(1) EXPONENTIAL = _Enum_Type(2)
[docs]class DIFFUSION(_Enum): """ Diffusion equations """ DEFAULT = _Enum_Type(0) GRAD = _Enum_Type(1) MCDE = _Enum_Type(2)
[docs]class TOPK(_Enum): """ Top-K ordering """ DEFAULT = _Enum_Type(0) MIN = _Enum_Type(1) MAX = _Enum_Type(2)
[docs]class ITERATIVE_DECONV(_Enum): """ Iterative deconvolution algorithm """ DEFAULT = _Enum_Type(0) LANDWEBER = _Enum_Type(1) RICHARDSONLUCY = _Enum_Type(2)
[docs]class INVERSE_DECONV(_Enum): """ Inverse deconvolution algorithm """ DEFAULT = _Enum_Type(0) TIKHONOV = _Enum_Type(1)
[docs]class VARIANCE(_Enum): """ Variance bias type """ DEFAULT = _Enum_Type(0) SAMPLE = _Enum_Type(1) POPULATION = _Enum_Type(2)
_VER_MAJOR_PLACEHOLDER = "__VER_MAJOR__" def _setup(): platform_name = platform.system() try: AF_PATH = os.environ['AF_PATH'] except KeyError: AF_PATH = None pass AF_SEARCH_PATH = AF_PATH try: CUDA_PATH = os.environ['CUDA_PATH'] except KeyError: CUDA_PATH= None pass CUDA_FOUND = False assert(len(platform_name) >= 3) if platform_name == 'Windows' or platform_name[:3] == 'CYG': ## Windows specific setup pre = '' post = '.dll' if platform_name == "Windows": ''' Supressing crashes caused by missing dlls ''' ct.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(0x0001 | 0x0002) if AF_SEARCH_PATH is None: AF_SEARCH_PATH = "C:/Program Files/ArrayFire/v" + AF_VER_MAJOR +"/" if CUDA_PATH is not None: CUDA_FOUND = os.path.isdir(CUDA_PATH + '/bin') and os.path.isdir(CUDA_PATH + '/nvvm/bin/') elif platform_name == 'Darwin': ## OSX specific setup pre = 'lib' post = '.' + _VER_MAJOR_PLACEHOLDER + '.dylib' if AF_SEARCH_PATH is None: if os.path.exists('/opt/arrayfire'): AF_SEARCH_PATH = '/opt/arrayfire/' else: AF_SEARCH_PATH = '/usr/local/' if CUDA_PATH is None: CUDA_PATH='/usr/local/cuda/' CUDA_FOUND = os.path.isdir(CUDA_PATH + '/lib') and os.path.isdir(CUDA_PATH + '/nvvm/lib') elif platform_name == 'Linux': pre = 'lib' post = '.so.' + _VER_MAJOR_PLACEHOLDER if AF_SEARCH_PATH is None: if os.path.exists('/opt/arrayfire-' + AF_VER_MAJOR + '/'): AF_SEARCH_PATH = '/opt/arrayfire-' + AF_VER_MAJOR + '/' elif os.path.exists('/opt/arrayfire/'): AF_SEARCH_PATH = '/opt/arrayfire/' else: AF_SEARCH_PATH = '/usr/local/' if CUDA_PATH is None: CUDA_PATH='/usr/local/cuda/' if platform.architecture()[0][:2] == '64': CUDA_FOUND = os.path.isdir(CUDA_PATH + '/lib64') and os.path.isdir(CUDA_PATH + '/nvvm/lib64') else: CUDA_FOUND = os.path.isdir(CUDA_PATH + '/lib') and os.path.isdir(CUDA_PATH + '/nvvm/lib') else: raise OSError(platform_name + ' not supported') return pre, post, AF_PATH, AF_SEARCH_PATH, CUDA_FOUND class _clibrary(object): def __find_nvrtc_builtins_libname(self, search_path): filelist = os.listdir(search_path) for f in filelist: if 'nvrtc-builtins' in f: return f return None def __libname(self, name, head='af', ver_major=AF_VER_MAJOR): post = self.__post.replace(_VER_MAJOR_PLACEHOLDER, ver_major) libname = self.__pre + head + name + post if self.AF_PATH: if os.path.isdir(self.AF_PATH + '/lib64'): path_search = self.AF_PATH + '/lib64/' else: path_search = self.AF_PATH + '/lib/' else: if os.path.isdir(self.AF_SEARCH_PATH + '/lib64'): path_search = self.AF_SEARCH_PATH + '/lib64/' else: path_search = self.AF_SEARCH_PATH + '/lib/' if platform.architecture()[0][:2] == '64': path_site = sys.prefix + '/lib64/' else: path_site = sys.prefix + '/lib/' path_local = self.AF_PYMODULE_PATH libpaths = [('', libname), (path_site, libname), (path_local,libname)] if self.AF_PATH: #prefer specified AF_PATH if exists libpaths.append((path_search, libname)) else: libpaths.insert(2, (path_search, libname)) return libpaths def set_unsafe(self, name): lib = self.__clibs[name] if (lib is None): raise RuntimeError("Backend not found") self.__name = name def __init__(self): more_info_str = "Please look at for more information." pre, post, AF_PATH, AF_SEARCH_PATH, CUDA_FOUND = _setup() self.__pre = pre self.__post = post self.AF_PATH = AF_PATH self.AF_SEARCH_PATH = AF_SEARCH_PATH self.CUDA_FOUND = CUDA_FOUND # prefer locally packaged arrayfire libraries if they exist af_module = __import__(__name__) self.AF_PYMODULE_PATH = af_module.__path__[0] + '/' if af_module.__path__ else None self.__name = None self.__clibs = {'cuda' : None, 'opencl' : None, 'cpu' : None, 'unified' : None} self.__backend_map = {0 : 'unified', 1 : 'cpu' , 2 : 'cuda' , 4 : 'opencl' } self.__backend_name_map = {'default' : 0, 'unified' : 0, 'cpu' : 1, 'cuda' : 2, 'opencl' : 4} # Try to pre-load forge library if it exists libnames = reversed(self.__libname('forge', head='', ver_major=FORGE_VER_MAJOR)) try: VERBOSE_LOADS = os.environ['AF_VERBOSE_LOADS'] == '1' except KeyError: VERBOSE_LOADS = False pass for libname in libnames: try: full_libname = libname[0] + libname[1] ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(full_libname) if VERBOSE_LOADS: print('Loaded ' + full_libname) break except OSError: if VERBOSE_LOADS: traceback.print_exc() print('Unable to load ' + full_libname) pass c_dim4 = c_dim_t*4 out = c_void_ptr_t(0) dims = c_dim4(10, 10, 1, 1) # Iterate in reverse order of preference for name in ('cpu', 'opencl', 'cuda', ''): libnames = reversed(self.__libname(name)) for libname in libnames: try: full_libname = libname[0] + libname[1] ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(full_libname) __name = 'unified' if name == '' else name clib = ct.CDLL(full_libname) self.__clibs[__name] = clib err = clib.af_randu(c_pointer(out), 4, c_pointer(dims), Dtype.f32.value) if (err == ERR.NONE.value): self.__name = __name clib.af_release_array(out) if VERBOSE_LOADS: print('Loaded ' + full_libname) # load nvrtc-builtins library if using cuda if name == 'cuda': nvrtc_name = self.__find_nvrtc_builtins_libname(libname[0]) if nvrtc_name: ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(libname[0] + nvrtc_name) if VERBOSE_LOADS: print('Loaded ' + libname[0] + nvrtc_name) else: if VERBOSE_LOADS: print('Could not find local nvrtc-builtins libarary') break; except OSError: if VERBOSE_LOADS: traceback.print_exc() print('Unable to load ' + full_libname) pass if (self.__name is None): raise RuntimeError("Could not load any ArrayFire libraries.\n" + more_info_str) def get_id(self, name): return self.__backend_name_map[name] def get_name(self, bk_id): return self.__backend_map[bk_id] def get(self): return self.__clibs[self.__name] def name(self): return self.__name def is_unified(self): return self.__name == 'unified' def parse(self, res): lst = [] for key,value in self.__backend_name_map.items(): if (value & res): lst.append(key) return tuple(lst) backend = _clibrary()
[docs]def set_backend(name, unsafe=False): """ Set a specific backend by name Parameters ---------- name : str. unsafe : optional: bool. Default: False. If False, does not switch backend if current backend is not unified backend. """ if (backend.is_unified() == False and unsafe == False): raise RuntimeError("Can not change backend to %s after loading %s" % (name, if (backend.is_unified()): safe_call(backend.get().af_set_backend(backend.get_id(name))) else: backend.set_unsafe(name) return
[docs]def get_backend(): """ Return the name of the backend """ return
[docs]def get_backend_id(A): """ Get backend name of an array Parameters ---------- A : af.Array Returns ---------- name : str. Backend name """ backend_id = c_int_t(BACKEND.CPU.value) safe_call(backend.get().af_get_backend_id(c_pointer(backend_id), A.arr)) return backend.get_name(backend_id.value)
[docs]def get_backend_count(): """ Get number of available backends Returns ---------- count : int Number of available backends """ count = c_int_t(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_get_backend_count(c_pointer(count))) return count.value
[docs]def get_available_backends(): """ Get names of available backends Returns ---------- names : tuple of strings Names of available backends """ available = c_int_t(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_get_available_backends(c_pointer(available))) return backend.parse(int(available.value))
[docs]def get_active_backend(): """ Get the current active backend name : str. Backend name """ backend_id = c_int_t(BACKEND.CPU.value) safe_call(backend.get().af_get_active_backend(c_pointer(backend_id))) return backend.get_name(backend_id.value)
[docs]def get_device_id(A): """ Get the device id of the array Parameters ---------- A : af.Array Returns ---------- dev : Integer id of the device array was created on """ device_id = c_int_t(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_get_device_id(c_pointer(device_id), A.arr)) return device_id
[docs]def get_size_of(dtype): """ Get the size of the type represented by arrayfire.Dtype """ size = c_size_t(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_get_size_of(c_pointer(size), dtype.value)) return size.value
from .util import safe_call