Source code for arrayfire.interop

# Copyright (c) 2015, ArrayFire
# All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under 3-clause BSD license.
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Interop with other python packages.

This module provides helper functions to copy data to arrayfire from the following modules:

     1. numpy - numpy.ndarray
     2. pycuda - pycuda.gpuarray
     3. pyopencl - pyopencl.array
     4. numba - numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray


from .array import *
from .device import *

def _fc_to_af_array(in_ptr, in_shape, in_dtype, is_device=False, copy = True):
    Fortran Contiguous to af array
    res = Array(in_ptr, in_shape, in_dtype, is_device=is_device)

    if not is_device:
        return res

    return res.copy() if copy else res

def _cc_to_af_array(in_ptr, ndim, in_shape, in_dtype, is_device=False, copy = True):
    C Contiguous to af array
    if ndim == 1:
        return _fc_to_af_array(in_ptr, in_shape, in_dtype, is_device, copy)
        shape = tuple(reversed(in_shape))
        res = Array(in_ptr, shape, in_dtype, is_device=is_device)
        if is_device: lock_array(res)
        return res._reorder()

_nptype_to_aftype = {'b1' : Dtype.b8,
		     'u1' : Dtype.u8,
		     'u2' : Dtype.u16,
		     'i2' : Dtype.s16,
		     's4' : Dtype.u32,
		     'i4' : Dtype.s32,
		     'f4' : Dtype.f32,
		     'c8' : Dtype.c32,
		     's8' : Dtype.u64,
		     'i8' : Dtype.s64,
                     'f8' : Dtype.f64,
                     'c16' : Dtype.c64}

    import numpy as np
except ImportError:
    from numpy import ndarray as NumpyArray
    from .data import reorder


[docs] def np_to_af_array(np_arr, copy=True): """ Convert numpy.ndarray to arrayfire.Array. Parameters ---------- np_arr : numpy.ndarray() copy : Bool specifying if array is to be copied. Default is true. Can only be False if array is fortran contiguous. Returns --------- af_arr : arrayfire.Array() """ in_shape = np_arr.shape in_ptr = np_arr.ctypes.data_as(c_void_ptr_t) in_dtype = _nptype_to_aftype[np_arr.dtype.str[1:]] if not copy: raise RuntimeError("Copy can not be False for numpy arrays") if (np_arr.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']): return _fc_to_af_array(in_ptr, in_shape, in_dtype) elif (np_arr.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']): return _cc_to_af_array(in_ptr, np_arr.ndim, in_shape, in_dtype) else: return np_to_af_array(np_arr.copy())
from_ndarray = np_to_af_array try: import pycuda.gpuarray except ImportError: AF_PYCUDA_FOUND=False else: from pycuda.gpuarray import GPUArray as CudaArray AF_PYCUDA_FOUND=True def pycuda_to_af_array(pycu_arr, copy=True): """ Convert pycuda.gpuarray to arrayfire.Array Parameters ----------- pycu_arr : pycuda.GPUArray() copy : Bool specifying if array is to be copied. Default is true. Can only be False if array is fortran contiguous. Returns ---------- af_arr : arrayfire.Array() Note ---------- The input array is copied to af.Array """ in_ptr = pycu_arr.ptr in_shape = pycu_arr.shape in_dtype = pycu_arr.dtype.char if not copy and not pycu_arr.flags.f_contiguous: raise RuntimeError("Copy can only be False when arr.flags.f_contiguous is True") if (pycu_arr.flags.f_contiguous): return _fc_to_af_array(in_ptr, in_shape, in_dtype, True, copy) elif (pycu_arr.flags.c_contiguous): return _cc_to_af_array(in_ptr, pycu_arr.ndim, in_shape, in_dtype, True, copy) else: return pycuda_to_af_array(pycu_arr.copy()) try: from pyopencl.array import Array as OpenclArray except ImportError: AF_PYOPENCL_FOUND=False else: from .opencl import add_device_context as _add_device_context from .opencl import set_device_context as _set_device_context from .opencl import get_device_id as _get_device_id from .opencl import get_context as _get_context AF_PYOPENCL_FOUND=True def pyopencl_to_af_array(pycl_arr, copy=True): """ Convert pyopencl.gpuarray to arrayfire.Array Parameters ----------- pycl_arr : pyopencl.Array() copy : Bool specifying if array is to be copied. Default is true. Can only be False if array is fortran contiguous. Returns ---------- af_arr : arrayfire.Array() Note ---------- The input array is copied to af.Array """ ctx = pycl_arr.context.int_ptr que = pycl_arr.queue.int_ptr dev = pycl_arr.queue.device.int_ptr dev_idx = None ctx_idx = None for n in range(get_device_count()): set_device(n) dev_idx = _get_device_id() ctx_idx = _get_context() if (dev_idx == dev and ctx_idx == ctx): break if (dev_idx == None or ctx_idx == None or dev_idx != dev or ctx_idx != ctx): print("Adding context and queue") _add_device_context(dev, ctx, que) _set_device_context(dev, ctx) info() in_ptr = pycl_arr.base_data.int_ptr in_shape = pycl_arr.shape in_dtype = pycl_arr.dtype.char if not copy and not pycl_arr.flags.f_contiguous: raise RuntimeError("Copy can only be False when arr.flags.f_contiguous is True") print("Copying array") print(pycl_arr.base_data.int_ptr) if (pycl_arr.flags.f_contiguous): return _fc_to_af_array(in_ptr, in_shape, in_dtype, True, copy) elif (pycl_arr.flags.c_contiguous): return _cc_to_af_array(in_ptr, pycl_arr.ndim, in_shape, in_dtype, True, copy) else: return pyopencl_to_af_array(pycl_arr.copy()) try: import numba except ImportError: AF_NUMBA_FOUND=False else: from numba import cuda NumbaCudaArray = cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray AF_NUMBA_FOUND=True def numba_to_af_array(nb_arr, copy=True): """ Convert numba.gpuarray to arrayfire.Array Parameters ----------- nb_arr : numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray() copy : Bool specifying if array is to be copied. Default is true. Can only be False if array is fortran contiguous. Returns ---------- af_arr : arrayfire.Array() Note ---------- The input array is copied to af.Array """ in_ptr = nb_arr.device_ctypes_pointer.value in_shape = nb_arr.shape in_dtype = _nptype_to_aftype[nb_arr.dtype.str[1:]] if not copy and not nb_arr.flags.f_contiguous: raise RuntimeError("Copy can only be False when arr.flags.f_contiguous is True") if (nb_arr.is_f_contiguous()): return _fc_to_af_array(in_ptr, in_shape, in_dtype, True, copy) elif (nb_arr.is_c_contiguous()): return _cc_to_af_array(in_ptr, nb_arr.ndim, in_shape, in_dtype, True, copy) else: return numba_to_af_array(nb_arr.copy())
[docs]def to_array(in_array, copy = True): """ Helper function to convert input from a different module to af.Array Parameters ------------- in_array : array like object Can be one of the following: - numpy.ndarray - pycuda.GPUArray - pyopencl.Array - numba.cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray - array.array - list copy : Bool specifying if array is to be copied. Default is true. Can only be False if array is fortran contiguous. Returns -------------- af.Array of same dimensions as input after copying the data from the input """ if AF_NUMPY_FOUND and isinstance(in_array, NumpyArray): return np_to_af_array(in_array, copy) if AF_PYCUDA_FOUND and isinstance(in_array, CudaArray): return pycuda_to_af_array(in_array, copy) if AF_PYOPENCL_FOUND and isinstance(in_array, OpenclArray): return pyopencl_to_af_array(in_array, copy) if AF_NUMBA_FOUND and isinstance(in_array, NumbaCudaArray): return numba_to_af_array(in_array, copy) return Array(src=in_array)