Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2015, ArrayFire
# All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under 3-clause BSD license.
# The complete license agreement can be obtained at:

Graphics functions (plot, image, etc).

from .library import *
from .array import *
from .util import _is_number

class _Cell(ct.Structure):
    _fields_ = [("row", c_int_t),
                ("col", c_int_t),
                ("title", c_char_ptr_t),
                ("cmap", c_int_t)]

    def __init__(self, r, c, title, cmap):
        self.row = r
        self.col = c
        self.title = title if title is not None else c_char_ptr_t()
        self.cmap = cmap.value

[docs]class Window(object): """ Class to create the Window object. Parameters ---------- width: optional: int. default: 1280. - Specifies the width of the window in pixels. height: optional: int. default: 720. - Specifies the height of the window in pixels. title: optional: str. default: "ArrayFire". - Specifies the title used for the window. """ def __init__(self, width=1280, height=720, title="ArrayFire"): self._r = -1 self._c = -1 self._wnd = c_void_ptr_t(0) self._cmap = COLORMAP.DEFAULT _width = 1280 if width is None else width _height = 720 if height is None else height _title = "ArrayFire" if title is None else title _title = _title.encode("ascii") safe_call(backend.get().af_create_window(c_pointer(self._wnd), c_int_t(_width), c_int_t(_height), c_char_ptr_t(_title))) def __del__(self): """ Destroys the window when going out of scope. """ safe_call(backend.get().af_destroy_window(self._wnd))
[docs] def set_pos(self, x, y): """ Set the position of window on the screen. Parameters ---------- x : int. Pixel offset from left. y : int. Pixel offset from top """ safe_call(backend.get().af_set_position(self._wnd, c_int_t(x), c_int_t(y)))
[docs] def set_title(self, title): """ Set the title of the window Parameters ---------- title : str. Title used for the current window. """ safe_call(backend.get().af_set_title(self._wnd, title))
[docs] def set_colormap(self, cmap): """ Set the colormap for the window. Parameters ---------- cmap : af.COLORMAP. Set the colormap for the window. """ self._cmap = cmap
[docs] def set_size(self, w, h): """ Set the windo height and width. Parameters ----------- w : int Width if window. h : int Height of window. """ safe_call(backend.get().af_set_size(self._wnd, w, h))
[docs] def image(self, img, title=None): """ Display an arrayfire array as an image. Parameters ---------- img: af.Array. A 2 dimensional array for single channel image. A 3 dimensional array for 3 channel image. title: str. Title used for the image. """ _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, title, self._cmap) safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_image(self._wnd, img.arr, c_pointer(_cell)))
[docs] def scatter(self, X, Y, Z=None, points=None, marker=MARKER.POINT, title=None): """ Renders input arrays as 2D or 3D scatter plot. Parameters ---------- X: af.Array. A 1 dimensional array containing X co-ordinates. Y: af.Array. A 1 dimensional array containing Y co-ordinates. Z: optional: af.Array. default: None. - A 1 dimensional array containing Z co-ordinates. - Not used if line is not None points: optional: af.Array. default: None. - A 2 dimensional array of size [n 2]. Each column denotes X and Y co-ordinates for 2D scatter plot. - A 3 dimensional array of size [n 3]. Each column denotes X, Y, and Z co-ordinates for 3D scatter plot. marker: af.MARKER Specifies how the points look title: str. Title used for the plot. """ _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, title, self._cmap) if points is None: if Z is None: safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_scatter_2d(self._wnd, X.arr, Y.arr, marker.value, c_pointer(_cell))) else: safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_scatter_3d(self._wnd, X.arr, Y.arr, Z.arr, marker.value, c_pointer(_cell))) else: safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_scatter_nd(self._wnd, points.arr, marker.value, c_pointer(_cell)))
[docs] def scatter2(self, points, marker=MARKER.POINT, title=None): """ Renders the input array as a 2D Scatter plot. Parameters ---------- points: af.Array. A 2 dimensional array containing (X,Y) co-ordinates. marker: af.MARKER Specifies how the points look title: str. Title used for the plot. """ assert(points.numdims() == 2) _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, title, self._cmap) safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_scatter2(self._wnd, points.arr, marker.value, c_pointer(_cell)))
[docs] def scatter3(self, points, marker=MARKER.POINT, title=None): """ Renders the input array as a 3D Scatter plot. Parameters ---------- points: af.Array. A 2 dimensional array containing (X,Y,Z) co-ordinates. marker: af.MARKER Specifies how the points look title: str. Title used for the plot. """ assert(points.numdims() == 3) _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, title, self._cmap) safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_scatter3(self._wnd, points.arr, marker.value, c_pointer(_cell)))
[docs] def plot(self, X, Y, Z=None, line = None, title=None): """ Display a 2D or 3D Plot. Parameters ---------- X: af.Array. - A 1 dimensional array containing X co-ordinates. - Not used if line is not None Y: af.Array. - A 1 dimensional array containing Y co-ordinates. - Not used if line is not None Z: optional: af.Array. default: None. - A 1 dimensional array containing Z co-ordinates. - Not used if line is not None line: optional: af.Array. default: None. - A 2 dimensional array of size [n 2]. Each column denotes X and Y co-ordinates for plotting 2D lines. - A 3 dimensional array of size [n 3]. Each column denotes X, Y, and Z co-ordinates for plotting 3D lines. title: str. Title used for the plot. Note ---- The line parameter takes precedence. """ _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, title, self._cmap) if line is None: if Z is None: safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_plot_2d(self._wnd, X.arr, Y.arr, c_pointer(_cell))) else: safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_plot_3d(self._wnd, X.arr, Y.arr, Z.arr, c_pointer(_cell))) else: safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_plot_nd(self._wnd, line.arr, c_pointer(_cell)))
[docs] def plot2(self, line, title=None): """ Display a 2D Plot. Parameters ---------- line: af.Array. - A 2 dimensional array of size [n 2]. Each column denotes X, and Y co-ordinates for plotting 2D lines. title: str. Title used for the plot. """ assert(line.numdims() == 2) _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, title, self._cmap) safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_plot_nd(self._wnd, line.arr, c_pointer(_cell)))
[docs] def plot3(self, X=None, Y=None, Z=None, line=None, title=None): """ Display a 3D Plot. Parameters ---------- line: af.Array. - A 3 dimensional array of size [n 3]. Each column denotes X, Y, and Z co-ordinates for plotting 3D lines. title: str. Title used for the plot. """ assert(line.numdims() == 3) _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, title, self._cmap) safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_plot_nd(self._wnd, line.arr, c_pointer(_cell)))
[docs] def vector_field(self, xpoints, xdirs, ypoints, ydirs, zpoints=None, zdirs=None, points = None, dirs = None, title=None): """ Display a 2D or 3D Vector_Field. Parameters ---------- xpoints : af.Array. - A 1 dimensional array containing X co-ordinates. - Not used if points is not None xdirs : af.Array. - A 1 dimensional array specifying direction at current location. - Not used if dirs is not None ypoints : af.Array. - A 1 dimensional array containing Y co-ordinates. - Not used if points is not None ydirs : af.Array. - A 1 dimensional array specifying direction at current location. - Not used if dirs is not None zpoints : optional: af.Array. default: None. - A 1 dimensional array containing Z co-ordinates. - Not used if points is not None zdirs : optional: af.Array. default: none. - A 1 dimensional array specifying direction at current location. - Not used if dirs is not None points : optional: af.Array. default: None. - A 2 dimensional array of size [n 2]. Each column denotes X and Y co-ordinates for plotting 2D lines. - A 3 dimensional array of size [n 3]. Each column denotes X, Y, and Z co-ordinates for plotting 3D lines. dirs : optional: af.Array. default: None. - A 2 dimensional array of size [n 2]. Each column denotes X and Y directions for plotting 2D lines. - A 3 dimensional array of size [n 3]. Each column denotes X, Y, and Z directions for plotting 3D lines. title : str. Title used for the plot. Note ---- The line parameter takes precedence. """ _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, title, self._cmap) if line is None: if Z is None: safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_vector_field_2d(self._wnd, xpoints.arr, ypoints.arr, xdirs.arr, ydirs.arr, c_pointer(_cell))) else: safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_vector_field_2d(self._wnd, xpoints.arr, ypoints.arr, zpoints.arr, xdirs.arr, ydirs.arr, zdirs.arr, c_pointer(_cell))) else: safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_plot_nd(self._wnd, points.arr, dirs.arr, c_pointer(_cell)))
[docs] def surface(self, x_vals, y_vals, z_vals, title=None): """ Renders the input array as a 3D surface plot. Parameters ---------- x_vals: af.Array. A 1 dimensional array containing X co-ordinates. y_vals: af.Array. A 1 dimensional array containing Y co-ordinates. z_vals: af.Array. A 1 dimensional array containing Z co-ordinates. title: str. Title used for the plot. """ _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, title, self._cmap) safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_surface(self._wnd, x_vals.arr, y_vals.arr, z_vals.arr, c_pointer(_cell)))
[docs] def hist(self, X, min_val, max_val, title=None): """ Display a histogram Plot. Parameters ---------- X: af.Array. A 1 dimensional array containing the histogram. min_val: scalar. A scalar value specifying the lower bound of the histogram. max_val: scalar. A scalar value specifying the upper bound of the histogram. title: str. Title used for the histogram. """ _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, title, self._cmap) safe_call(backend.get().af_draw_hist(self._wnd, X.arr, c_double_t(max_val), c_double_t(min_val), c_pointer(_cell)))
[docs] def grid(self, rows, cols): """ Create a grid for sub plotting within the window. Parameters ---------- rows: int. Number of rows in the grid. cols: int. Number of columns in the grid. """ safe_call(backend.get().af_grid(self._wnd, c_int_t(rows), c_int_t(cols)))
[docs] def show(self): """ Force the window to display the contents. Note: This is only needed when using the window as a grid. """ safe_call(backend.get().af_show(self._wnd))
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the window. """ tmp = c_bool_t(True) safe_call(backend.get().af_is_window_closed(c_pointer(tmp), self._wnd)) return tmp
[docs] def set_visibility(is_visible): """ A flag that shows or hides the window as requested. Parameters ---------- is_visible: Flag specifying the visibility of the flag. """ safe_call(backend.get().af_set_visibility(self._wnd, is_visible))
[docs] def set_axes_limits(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin=None, zmax=None, exact=False): """ Set axis limits. Parameters ---------- xmin : af.Array. - lower limit of the x axis. xmax : af.Array. - upper limit of the x axis. ymin : af.Array. - lower limit of the y axis. ymax : af.Array. - upper limit of the y axis. zmin : optional: af.Array. default: None. - lower limit of the z axis. zmax : optional: af.Array. default: None. - upper limit of the z axis. title : str. Title used for the plot. Note ---- The line parameter takes precedence. """ _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, "", self._cmap) if (zmin is None or zmax is None): safe_call(backend.get().af_set_axes_limits_2d(self._wnd, c_float_t(xmin), c_float_t(xmax), c_float_t(ymin), c_float_t(ymax), exact, c_pointer(_cell))) else: safe_call(backend.get().af_set_axes_limits_2d(self._wnd, c_float_t(xmin), c_float_t(xmax), c_float_t(ymin), c_float_t(ymax), c_float_t(zmin), c_float_t(zmax), exact, c_pointer(_cell)))
[docs] def set_axes_label_format(self, xformat="4.1%f", yformat="4.1%f", zformat="4.1%f"): """ Set axis limits. Parameters ---------- xformat : str. default: "4.1%f". is a printf-style format specifier for x-axis yformat : str. default: "4.1%f". is a printf-style format specifier for y-axis zformat : str. default: "4.1%f". is a printf-style format specifier for z-axis """ _cell = _Cell(self._r, self._c, None, self._cmap) xformat = xformat.encode("ascii") yformat = yformat.encode("ascii") zformat = zformat.encode("ascii") safe_call(backend.get().af_set_axes_label_format(self._wnd, c_char_ptr_t(xformat), c_char_ptr_t(yformat), c_char_ptr_t(zformat), c_pointer(_cell)))
def __getitem__(self, keys): """ Get access to a specific grid location within the window. Examples -------- >>> a = af.randu(5,5) >>> b = af.randu(5,5) >>> w = af.Window() >>> w.grid(1,2) >>> w[0, 0].image(a) >>> w[0, 1].image(b) >>> """ if not isinstance(keys, tuple): raise IndexError("Window expects indexing along two dimensions") if len(keys) != 2: raise IndexError("Window expects indexing along two dimensions only") if not (_is_number(keys[0]) and _is_number(keys[1])): raise IndexError("Window expects the indices to be numbers") self._r = keys[0] self._c = keys[1] return self